Arnica: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Arnica (lat. Arnica montana) is a medicinal plant known for a long time. Some people know it better under the name of mountain healing.

Occurrence and cultivation of arnica

Arnica is one of the composite plants and grows up to half a meter high. The plant blooms in June and July, often still in August.

Arnica grows preferentially in the mountains above 800 meters above sea level and copes very well with nutrient-poor soils.

Arnica can be found in the Alps, Pyrenees, in the Balkans as well as in southern Scandinavia and the Baltic States. But also in the Thuringian forest arnica can be seen.

Arnica belongs to the composite plants and grows up to half a meter high. The plant blooms in June and July, often still in August.

The flowers are bright yellow. Since arnica is very rare and is on the list of endangered species, the aromatic fragrant plant is protected.

Effect and application

Unlike other medicinal herbs, arnica was not known in ancient times. Application for various ailments arnica only from about the 18th century. In the meantime, however, arnica is indispensable in homeopathy.

Nevertheless, orthodox physicians still argue about the actual benefits. The flowers and roots of the plant play a special role in its use. At flowering time, only the flowers and leaves are harvested. In September and October, the roots can then be dug up. They are processed into special tinctures. The large-scale cultivation of arnica has not yet been successful. For this reason, only the flowers that occur in the wild are collected for further processing.

Arnica has an anti-inflammatory effect. As a gargle it helps with inflammation of the mouth and throat. Poultices with arnica tincture relieve swelling and pain. Ointments containing the active ingredient arnica play a major role in strains, bruises, muscle and limb pain.

As another external application, arnica is also available as a bath additive. Internal applications should be treated with extreme caution. Arnica has a very strong effect on the heart and on the circulation. Any application should therefore be discussed with a medical professional to be on the safe side.

For this reason, many teas containing arnica have been withdrawn from the market in the past. Also uncommon is the former use of arnica in snuff.

Importance for health

Arnica has been shown to improve wound healing. Arnica is also said to have a positive influence on diseases of the heart and circulatory system – in good doses. Thus, a patient with low blood pressure can drink a little from the boiled decoction of arnica roots right after getting up.

But caution is advised. Arnica has a very strong effect. Therefore, it should be taken internally only after consultation with a doctor. Arnica can quickly lead to poisoning. They manifest themselves in nausea and vomiting and as damage to the stomach and intestines or even the heart. In addition, some people are allergic to the plant. Also, arnica may not be used for all injuries.

The positive effect is proven in blunt injuries (muscle bruises), strains and in bruises with the formation of a bruise. Here, for example, fresh leaves can be placed on the bruise. However, arnica should not get into open wounds.

After operations, especially on the teeth, arnica can also be useful. It is not recommended to use arnica before operations. The risk of complications should be avoided. Meanwhile, arnica is also indispensable after an insect bite and for rheumatic complaints. It is not for nothing that arnica received the nickname first aid herb among the people.