Arthrosis in the finger joints

Osteoarthritis in the finger joints is a condition associated with pain when the joints are strained and nodular changes occur. It leads to an inflammation in the finger joints, which can occur naturally with age and often affects other joints, such as the knees. Familial predisposition or a permanent strain, for example from a manual job, increases the risk of developing arthrosis in the finger joints. Particularly at the beginning of the symptoms that occur, they can still be effectively treated with home remedies.

These household remedies are used

There are various home remedies that help against arthritis in the finger joints:

  • Ginger
  • Cider vinegar
  • Curcuma
  • Bittersalt Bath
  • Honey and cinnamon
  • Olive oil
  • Garlic

application: Ginger can be used in various forms against arthrosis in the finger joints. As an oil, ginger can develop its effect directly on the aching joints by massaging it in. Alternatively, drinking ginger tea several times a day also helps.

Effect: Ginger has an inhibitory effect on inflammatory processes that take place in the finger joints. Thus it has a decongestant effect and reduces existing pain. What do you have to consider?

For the optimal effect of the tea, it should be freshly prepared. Directions for use: For use, warm the apple vinegar and add a little cayenne pepper. For optimal use, the mixture is poured into a small bath bowl in which the fingers are placed for a quarter of an hour.

Effect: Apple cider vinegar has various ingredients which have an anti-inflammatory effect. It also has a stabilizing effect on the acid-base balance. This promotes regeneration in the finger joints and relieves pain.

What do you have to consider? After the bath, the apple vinegar should be washed off your fingers. It should not be used more than once a day.

Application: For the application, turmeric is stirred together in a mixture that can be drunk once a day. For this mixture almond milk is used together with turmeric and optionally some honey. Effect: The spice turmeric has many ingredients that reduce the inflammatory process in the finger joints.

In addition, it has a cleansing effect, as it helps against bacteria and other germs. What you have to consider: Turmeric can be used once a day over a period of one to two weeks. Directions for use: For the bitter-salt bath, a bathtub should be filled with warm water at a comfortable temperature for the body.

For a bath tub of water you need about 2 cups of Epsom salts. Effect: The Epsom salts contain a lot of magnesium. This helps the muscles of the fingers to relax and also promotes the metabolism in the joints.

This reduces the pain. What do you have to consider? The Epsom salts bath should not be taken for more than half an hour and can be used three times a week.

Directions for use: Honey can be taken in combination with cinnamon. One tablespoon of honey, for example forest honey, is sufficient for this. This can be mixed with a little cinnamon.

Effect: The honey and cinnamon stimulate the blood flow in the body. Thus inflammations can be reduced faster. What you have to consider: It is best to take it in the morning before breakfast and several times a week.

Use: Olive oil is well suited for consumption, for example in salads. However, it can also be massaged into the area of the complaints. It should be heated slightly and then massaged in along the joints and muscles.

Effect: The olive oil contains substances that have an anti-inflammatory effect. This also leads to a reduced sensation of pain and a reduction of swelling in the finger joints. What do you have to consider?

To optimize the effect, the olive oil can be mixed with a little essential oil before the massage. Use: Garlic can be eaten as a food, for example in combination with tea. Since this is a disliking to many people, garlic can also be used in the form of oil for a massage of the finger joints.

Effect: Garlic contains the trace element selenium, which is used for rheumatism. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect. What must one consider? The oil can be made from garlic by briefly frying the pieces in an oil. Further field of application of garlic:

  • Home remedy against rheumatism