Associated symptoms | Hangover after alcohol – What should you do?

Associated symptoms

The symptoms that the body shows in a hangover are largely due to the strong dehydration. These include, above all, the stabbing headache, trembling, difficulty concentrating or dry skin and lips.The irritation of the stomach lining often causes nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite the next day. Another very common symptom of hangover after alcohol is fatigue.

This is mainly due to the sleep disorders associated with alcohol consumption. Tiredness and physical exhaustion can sometimes last up to three days after alcohol consumption. Tiredness and exhaustion increase, especially in old age.

Sleep disorder

Alcohol and sleep form a vicious circle for many people. For many people, alcohol consumption is still an alternative therapy for insomnia. The reason for this is that alcohol relaxes and makes you tired, making it easier to fall asleep.


The duration of the hangover after alcohol can be about 3 days. It depends mainly on the amount of alcohol drunk, age, individual reaction to alcohol and other circumstances. In younger people who treat a hangover by sensible nutrition and sufficient rest and sleep, the hangover can subside within a few hours to a day. However, the higher the amount of alcohol consumed, the longer the sobriety and its consequences last.

How can you avoid a hangover after alcohol?

The easiest way to prevent a hangover from alcohol is to reduce the amount of alcohol. Since the main symptoms of a hangover are related to dehydration, it can be counteracted even while drinking alcohol. It is a good idea to drink the same amount of water with every glass of alcohol afterwards.

In principle, the more liquid is drunk with the same amount of alcohol, the less the body dries out. Also the meal before the consumption of alcohol, which is called “foundation”, has a good purpose. Fatty foods slow down the absorption of alcohol, giving the body more time to counteract dehydration.

A popular method is to drink large amounts of water in a short time before going to bed. However, this is not necessarily advisable, as the body cannot immediately use such large quantities of water and excretes a large portion directly. This even leads to the fact that the increased urge to urinate makes the following sleep more restless. It is also not very sensible to take painkillers before sleep, as their effects have largely subsided by the time you wake up.