Associated symptoms | Pain in the thumb saddle joint

Associated symptoms

Pain in the thumb saddle joint can be accompanied by various other complaints. Osteoarthritis is characterized by an increasing restriction of movement of the joint. In addition to pain, an acute attack of gout causes severe swelling, redness and warming of the thumb saddle joint and occasionally even systemic signs of inflammation such as fever and a feeling of illness.

In rheumatism, morning joint stiffness, swelling and a general feeling of illness are typical accompanying symptoms. Gout and rheumatism are usually accompanied by pain at rest in the joint. Sports injuries, such as a ski thumb, can cause swelling, bruising and instability of the joint.


Joint swelling is a typical accompanying symptom of various causes of pain in the thumb saddle joint. This leads to fluid accumulation in the tissue around the joint. It is a non-specific indication of an injury or inflammation of the affected joint.


Since pain in the thumb saddle joint can be attributed to various possible causes, a visit to the family doctor is recommended. The doctor will first have a detailed discussion about the symptoms and the course of the symptoms over time. Occupational stress with possible joint degeneration or an acute sports accident can facilitate the diagnosis. This is followed by a physical examination of both hands so that the mobility, strength and appearance of the affected thumb saddle joint can be examined in a side-by-side comparison.Depending on the suspicion of the treating physician, a referral to a specialist or imaging, such as an X-ray examination, may be necessary.


The treatment addresses the underlying cause of the pain in the thumb saddle joint. For diseases such as gout or rheumatism, the underlying disease should be adjusted in the best possible way with medication. At the same time, anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or diclofenac and, in severe cases, cortisone can help to relieve the acute attack of gout.

Cold applications can alleviate the symptoms. Rhizarthrosis can be treated conservatively with a splint and anti-inflammatory painkillers. Occasionally injection of cortisone helps.

In the case of advanced arthrosis, surgical measures may be considered. Pain in the thumb saddle joint, which develops in the course of a (sports) accident, is often treated with immobilization, anti-inflammatory painkillers and cooling. Depending on the extent of the injury, surgical treatment may be necessary.

Wrist bandages can help relieve the symptoms of various diseases of the hand associated with pain in the thumb saddle joint. A wrist bandage is used to immobilize the joint in case of pain. Wrist bandages can help relieve the pain of thumb saddle joint arthrosis or carpal tunnel syndrome, which radiates pain to the thumbs.

In the case of pain in the thumb saddle joint, surgery may be necessary if the thumb saddle joint arthrosis is at an advanced stage or if the bony or ligamentous structures in the area of the thumb are severely injured in an accident. The effectiveness of homeopathic therapy has not yet been proven in any scientific study. Nevertheless, globules can be taken and usually do not cause any side effects. For joint pain, the homeopathic remedies Acidum Sulfuricum, Aconitum Napellus, Bryonia, Calcium fluoratum, Sulfur as well as Belladonna and the well-known Arnica can be used.