At what pH value does the lipase work optimally? | Lipase

At what pH value does the lipase work optimally?

The pancreatic lipase has its optimum effect in the alkaline range. At a pH value between 7 and 8, the activity of pancreatic lipase decreases rapidly at a pH value above or below this range. After the food pulp has passed from the stomach to the small intestine, this pH value must be reached quickly.

Due to the stomach acid, the pH value up to this point is about 1 to 3. The alkaline pH value is reached by secretion of alkaline secretion. There are special glands at the beginning of the small intestine for this purpose. Furthermore, the pH value of the digestive secretion of the pancreas is in the alkaline range. For this purpose, the pancreas releases bicarbonate in addition to numerous enzymes.

What is the consequence in the intestine if there is too little lipase?

If there is too little lipase in the intestine, this leads to a number of symptoms. However, these only occur when only about 10% of the original amount of pancreatic lipase is released into the intestine. Symptoms also occur that are not primarily due to a lack of lipase.

Since a lipase deficiency does not occur in isolation, the other digestive enzymes of the digestive secretion are missing in the intestine, as is the alkaline bicarbonate. As a result, stomach acid is poorly neutralized and ulcers of the small intestine occur more frequently. Due to the lack of lipase, a lack of digestion of fats leads to digestive disorders of these fats.

In addition, proteins and carbohydrates are also absorbed into the body in reduced quantities via the intestinal mucosa. All this in turn leads to various symptoms:

  • On the one hand, weight loss is observed due to the reduced absorption into the body.
  • It also causes vitamin deficiency symptoms. The fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K are affected.
  • On the other hand, vomiting, nausea and diarrhea (fatty stools) are observed.
  • As more undigested food enters the intestine as part of the reduced digestion, bacteria can easily settle here, causing flatulence through gas formation.