Atherosclerosis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

An arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis is mostly also called arteriosclerosis. In this case, in the course of an unhealthy lifestyle, mostly deposits of cholesterol, fat and calcium (plaque) occur in the arteries, which then do not allow enough blood or oxygen through due to a narrowing of the arteries.

What is arteriosclerosis?

The popularly known disease of hardening of the arteries is called arteriosclerosis or atherosclerosis in medicine. It is a disease of blood vessels that carries oxygenated blood away from the heart to supply oxygen to other organs. This then leads to vasoconstriction. Arteriosclerosis is triggered by the so-called plaque, which in turn can consist of fats, calcium, blood clots and leg tissue. Over the course of years, the plaque attaches itself to the walls of the blood vessels and thus allows less and less blood to flow through. This process can begin as early as adolescence, when the affected person consumes a lot of high-fat and high-sugar meals and does little exercise. In the consequence it comes then by the Arteriosklerose to heart cycle illnesses (e.g. coronary heart illness, heart attack, stroke and represent thereby one of the most frequent causes of death (approx. 10%) in Germany. Other consequences may include coronary artery disease, peripheral arterial occlusive disease, narrowing of the leg arteries and consequent loss of extremities.


Unfortunately, not all causes of atherosclerosis have yet been determined. Nevertheless, there are numerous theories that may help explain these diseases. One theory is the lipid theory. Lipid, which is also known as fat, is here thought to contribute moderately to the formation of atherosclerosis. Especially through cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) the risk to get a vasoconstriction is strongly increased. Cholerstin is converted into fatty foam cells, which then cause plaques (deposits) on the vessel walls over time. In addition, other factors put people at risk for atherosclerosis. In particular, smoking, high blood pressure, elevated cholerstin levels, diabetes mellitus, lack of exercise and obesity can trigger this form of vascular calcification (hardening of the arteries).

Symptoms, complaints, and signs

The complaints of arteriosclerosis usually depend strongly on the exact cause, so that a general prediction is not possible thereby. The patients suffer thereby primarily however from strong pain in the chest. This pain can also spread to other regions and thus also lead to pain in the limbs and have a very negative effect on the patient’s quality of life. Speech disorders or paralysis can also occur as a result of arteriosclerosis and lead to restrictions in the movement of the affected person. Most patients are thus dependent on the help of other people in their daily lives. If arteriosclerosis leads to a blood clot, various regions of the body can no longer be supplied with blood, so that a heart attack can still occur. In the worst case, the affected person can also die as a result. Sudden cardiac death or blood poisoning can also occur as a result of arteriosclerosis and significantly reduce the patient’s life expectancy. Furthermore, many patients also suffer from a so-called smoker’s leg or kidney problems, whereby complete kidney failure can also occur. If the arteriosclerosis is severe, there may also be a fear of death due to severe chest pain.


Often, a heart attack is based on a narrowing of the coronary vessels, which is called arteriosclerosis. If such a narrowing is blocked by a blood clot, all subsequent heart muscle areas are no longer supplied with blood and oxygen. The heart muscle then dies within a few hours. Click to enlarge. The course of arteriosclerosis usually begins in adolescence. The accumulation of fat damages the arteries and their inner walls. Over the years, the vessels narrow more and more. More platelets and plaque accumulate. Which coronary disease can then be the consequence depends on which arteries in which organs are affected. Furthermore, previous diseases (e.g. heart defects) and the intensity of the arteriosclerosis are important. People who smoke or are overweight can develop secondary diseases of arteriosclerosis more quickly and more severely.However, if arteriosclerosis is detected early, most of the damage can be reversed. This usually involves a radical diet and a future change in diet, as well as a life full of exercise or sport. If arteriosclerosis is not detected or treated in time, many complications can occur. On the one hand, as already mentioned, cardiovascular diseases can occur. Typical of these are coronary heart disease, heart attack and stroke. However, this can also result in the loss of legs or hands, as these no longer receive sufficient blood supply and die off. To prevent blood poisoning then, these extremities must be amputated. In the worst case, sudden cardiac death can also occur.


Regardless of risk factors that favor the development of atherosclerosis, the enforcement of the internal arterial wall with various substances (plaques) can be associated with a number of complications if atherosclerosis is not treated. For example, the heart may be affected if one or more coronary arteries are sclerotically narrowed. Gradual narrowing results in left-sided chest pain known as angina. In the event of total occlusion of a coronary artery, an immediate myocardial infarction presents. If one of the two cervical arteries that supply oxygen and nutrients to the head and brain is affected by arteriosclerosis, unpredictable neurological problems present themselves. Analogous to heart attacks, strokes occur when one of the arteries supplying oxygen to certain areas of the brain becomes blocked by a thrombus. Further complications can arise if pelvic and leg arteries are affected by arteriosclerosis. Circulatory disturbances in the legs initially set in, which develop into peripheral arterial occlusive disease (pAVK) as the disease progresses. The disease is also known as window shopper’s disease and smoker’s leg. A special type of complication occurs when the renal arteries are affected by atherosclerosis. This limits the functioning of the kidneys and may lead to complete kidney failure in the final stages.

At what point should you see a doctor?

Suspected arteriosclerosis should be medically clarified at the first signs. If symptoms such as cardiac arrhythmia, chest tightness, dizziness or numbness in the limbs suddenly appear, a doctor must determine the cause. This is especially true if the aforementioned complaints do not subside after a few days at the latest, or even intensify in the course of time. People suffering from diabetes or arterial disease should discuss any noticeable symptoms with the doctor in charge. A blood test will reveal whether the condition is arteriosclerosis or something else that needs treatment. If there are signs of a heart attack or stroke, the emergency physician must be alerted immediately. It is possible that there is an acute arterial occlusion that can lead to death if left untreated. For this reason, first aid measures must be carried out until the emergency physician arrives. Hospitalization is then required for further clarification. As part of this, the cause of the symptoms must be clarified by a cardiologist or internist.

Treatment and therapy

Arteriosclerosis with a blocked artery and a blood clot (thrombus). The therapy or treatment of arteriosclerosis in the early stages can mostly be cured if there is a change in diet and exercise. A healthy lifestyle, without smoking and fatty food, without alcohol but with a lot of exercise and sport should be preferred. Furthermore, there is also the possibility to control the arteriosclerosis by medication. However, this method should not replace a healthy lifestyle, as it does not cure the disease, but only delays more severe complications. This conservative therapy often uses the same avoidance drugs that are successfully used for other cardiovascular diseases. If secondary diseases such as diabetes mellitus or elevated blood pressure are already present, these diseases must also be treated. In the case of severe arteriosclerosis, it may also be necessary to widen the vasoconstriction by surgery. Balloon angioplasty is used today for this purpose.The attending physician uses a catheter to insert a balloon into the affected artery and then dilates it. In most cases, stents (vascular supports) are then inserted to rule out the possibility of renewed vasoconstriction. If this therapy no longer helps, only a bypass can save the artery and its blood flow.

Outlook and prognosis

The prognosis for atherosclerosis depends on where the vascular stenoses and plaques are found and the length of the stenoses. In addition, organ damage also plays a significant role and whether patients have already suffered a stroke or heart attack, for example. In principle, the earlier patients change their lifestyle, the better their prospects. If arteriosclerosis progresses only very slowly, serious secondary diseases such as coronary heart disease can be prevented. After all, one third of sufferers suffer a heart attack, and another third die due to sudden cardiac death. If larger cerebral arteries are affected by arteriosclerosis, 20 percent of patients suffer a fatal stroke. Today, plaques are stabilized primarily with modern medications such as ACE inhibitors or statins. In addition, elimination of a wide variety of risk factors such as smoking, elevated LDL cholesterol, high blood pressure, stress or lack of exercise favors the prognosis. It should be noted that atherosclerosis is not a disease that can be reversed, and even very mild cases tend to progress. However, the progressive course can extend over years or often even decades.


Atherosclerosis is characterized by the fact that in many cases it goes unnoticed, but can cause great damage to the cardiovascular system and vessels. Consistent follow-up care is therefore very important. This means that the physician examines blood lipid values and the functioning of the heart and circulation in regular check-ups and can thus quickly detect negative changes. This can be done by both the general practitioner and the internist, and in severe cases involving the heart, also by the cardiologist. For the patient, follow-up care means above all preventing a worsening of atherosclerosis through consistent behavior. This includes plenty of exercise, a healthy diet, and abstaining from nicotine and excessive consumption of alcohol. Necessary health is also part of aftercare. Aftercare may include participation in sports groups with appropriate indications or nutritional counseling by appropriately trained personnel, for example from health insurance companies or adult education centers. Stress is also a factor that can lead to complications in conjunction with arteriosclerosis. Therefore, follow-up care also applies to stress reduction. Stress reduction is offered by relaxation methods such as autogenic training or progressive muscle relaxation, but also Far Eastern relaxation methods such as yoga, tai chi or qi gong. These procedures have the advantage that they also have a favorable effect on blood pressure in many cases and thus positively support an important factor in the fight against atherosclerosis.

This is what you can do yourself

Because arteriosclerosis is a progressive disease, its progression can be slowed by many methods. Thus, every person who is affected by arteriosclerosis or fears becoming affected can actively fight the pathological change in the arteries. In addition to taking any medications that may be required, those affected have two decisive options for impeding the progress of arteriosclerosis. One important factor here is sport. Even light exercise in the form of walking for a few minutes every day improves blood circulation, cardiac output and general perceived strength. Another important factor is diet. Here, fiber, antioxidants and saturated fatty acids have a positive effect on the further progression of atherosclerosis, while trans fatty acids and tobacco smoke have a negative effect. In addition, arginine – contained in walnuts, pumpkin seeds and unpeeled rice, among other sources – has been shown to protect blood vessels. A supply of this amino acid is therefore recommended. Further measures that the affected person can take in his or her everyday life must also be based on any existing underlying conditions that promote or trigger arteriosclerosis.Generally, stress and obesity is to counteract to maintain arterial health.