Attention and concentration disorders | Symptoms of neurofibromatosis type 1

Attention and concentration disorders

Children in particular show symptoms such as restlessness/hyperactivity, reduced stamina, attention deficits and concentration problems. For some of those affected, the symptoms persist into adulthood and lead to restrictions in school/work, social life and partnership.


Neurofibromatosis patients show an increased risk of tumors, especially along brain or spinal nerves. For example, tumors along the eighth cranial nerve can lead to hearing damage and along the spinal nerves to paralysis. Optic gliomas are tumors of the visual pathways, which are often only discovered by chance and occur in about 15% of cases.

If they occur in both eyes, there is an almost 100% probability of neurofibromatosis. The iris of many affected persons also shows increasing tumor-like nodules in number and size with age. These Lisch nodules are usually benign tumors that appear sharply defined, roundish and slightly raised and are also derived from melanocytes.

Some patients with neurofibromatosis are prone to epileptic seizures or show learning difficulties. Tumors are also frequently found outside the nervous system. Arbitrary or skeletal muscles (rhabdomysarcoma), haematopoietic system (chronic myeloid leukemia), thyroid gland (thyroid carcinoma) or adrenal medulla (pheochromocytoma) may be affected.