Bach Flowers List, Effects, Side Effects

Postulated principle of action

Harmonization of negative emotional or mood states.


Flowers are extracted aqueous according to special procedures, and the mother tinctures obtained are then highly diluted with the addition of ethanol. The essences have an ethanol content of 27%.

The 38 flower essences

The flowers target a specific emotional or mental state and are also used in combination of up to 7 flowers:




























No Bach flower Mood state of the patient
1. Agrimony Hides problems behind a cheerful facade
2. Aspen Axious and worrying for unspecified reasons
3. Beech Intolerant of others, critical
4. Centaury Weak-willed and impressionable
5. Cerato Seeks advice and reassurance from other people
6. Cherry Plum Fear of losing control
7. Chestnut Bud Unable to learn from mistakes
8. Chicory Possessive, overly protective
9. Clematis Delusion, lack of interest in the present
10. Crab Apple Self-image of inferiority, feeling of impurity
11. Elm Overwhelmed by responsibility
12. Gentian Discouragement, dejection
13. Gorse Hopelessness, despair
14. Heather Self-centered, preoccupied with self, talkative
15. Holly Envious, jealous, hateful feelings
16. Honeysuckle Stuck with the past
17. Hornbeam Monday morning feeling
18. Impatiens Impatience
19. Larch Lack of self-confidence
20. Mimulus Phobias, fear of certain things
21. Mustard Deep melancholy without a specific cause
22. Oak Fights on despite exhaustion
23. Olive Lack of energy
24. Pine Self-reproach, guilt
25. Red Chestnut Anxiety or excessive concern for others
26. Rock Rose Deep, great anxiety
27. Rock Water Inflexible, self-denial
28. Scleranthus Insecurity, indecision
29. Star of Bethlehem Aftermath of shock
30. Sweet Chestnut Extreme inner agony of the soul
31. Vervain Excessive enthusiasm
32. Vine Strongly self-assertive, inflexible
33. Walnut Protection from change and external influences
34. Water Violet Proud, sense of superiority
35. White Chestnut Unwanted thoughts, self-talk
36. Wild Oat Insecurity about the right mission in life
37. Wild Rose Resignation, apathy
38. Willow Self-pity, bitterness

Dosage of the individual essences

Keep dose in mouth briefly before swallowing.

  • 2 drops in 1 glass of water, drink a sip at regular intervals.


  • Add 2 drops to a 30 ml vial of still mineral water. Intake: 4 times 4 drops daily


  • 2 drops directly on the tongue, 4 times daily (Rescue Remedy: 4 drops).

Mixing the essences

  • Combine a maximum of 7 essences
  • Add 2 drops of each of the selected concentrates to a 30 ml vial or spray bottle
  • Dosage: 4 drops 4 times a day
  • Ev. addition of ethanol as a preservative.

Bach emergency drops: Rescue Remedy

  • The best known and most sold Bach product.
  • Indications: Shock, numbing, panic, stress, tension, fear of losing control.
  • Composition: Star of Bethlehem, Rock Rose, Impatients, Cherry Plum, Clematis.
  • Dosage of drops: at least 4 times a day 4 drops directly into the mouth or in a glass of water or quarter or half hourly.
  • Dosage of the spray: at least 4 times a day give 2 short sprays in the mouth.
  • Dosage of pastilles: 5 pastilles per day.
  • Rescue cream and gel are used for skin conditions, such as sunburn, nervousness, after shaving, eczema.


  • Bach flowers belong to alternative medicine without scientific basis
  • The plant parts used are contained in very low concentrations
  • The treatment method does not count as phytotherapy
  • The drops contain alcohol