Back pain in the lumbar spine | What are the symptoms of uterus prolapse?

Back pain in the lumbar spine

The characteristic symptom of uterine prolapse is more or less severe back pain in the area of the lumbar spine and on both sides of the sacrum. Due to the changed position of the uterus in the pelvis, the pelvic organs press on the supporting apparatus of the uterus, causing uncharacteristic pain. Especially when standing, the back hurts more due to gravity, whereas when lying down, the pain is better.

The back pain is often accompanied by a feeling of pulling down. Often the affected persons react to the back pain by adopting a relieving posture, which weakens the back muscles in the long run and makes the pain even worse. Regular pelvic floor exercises strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and lead to an improvement in the lowering of the uterus, thus relieving the back pain. For acute and very severe pain, the doctor may also prescribe pain-relieving medication such as ibuprofen or diclofenac (Voltaren®).

Feeling of pressure and foreign bodies

Especially unpleasant in the case of uterus prolapse is the resulting feeling of pressure and foreign bodies that the affected women feel in the vagina. The lowered uterus presses down and causes these symptoms. It feels as if “something could fall out of the vagina at any time”. In severe cases, a partial or complete uterine prolapse (uterine prolapse) may indeed occur. This happens when the pelvic floor and connective tissue are weakened to such an extent that the uterus protrudes from the vagina or passes through it completely.

Abdominal pain

Occasionally, bleeding from the vagina and increased discharge can occur when the uterus is lowered. The bleeding occurs when the pressure on the unkeratinized mucous membrane of the cervix increases due to the lowering of the cervix. In addition, pathogens such as bacteria or fungi can then more easily colonize the mucous membrane. This infection in turn leads to increased discharge, which is partially discolored and can smell bad. If in doubt whether the bleeding is caused by the lowering of the uterus or has some other cause, a doctor should always be consulted.