Back Pain Prevention Program: Exercises

In back school, you will learn numerous exercises that will help strengthen your back.A strong back can better withstand the stresses of everyday life and is less prone to pain.It is important to know that back school does not only include exercises for the back muscles.

Numerous other muscles support the spine and also need to be exercised, such as the abdominal muscles. If the abdominal muscles are not trained as well, a hollow back can develop.It is also important to know that internal organs can weaken muscles. Weak abdominal muscles support the development of a hollow back. But this can also be favored by muscle shortening, which often occurs due to long and much sitting. This often affects the hip flexors, whose shortening can also support the formation of a hollow back.The gluteal muscles, if strong, can also help support the spine.For the exercises to be successful, you should exercise for five to ten minutes a day. This is very important and leads to a much greater improvement than a long-lasting workout done only once a week.