Back training during pregnancy | Back training – at home or in the studio, this is how you can do it!

Back training during pregnancy

Many pregnant women are uncertain: am I allowed to do sports during pregnancy, what do I have to watch out for and what should I avoid? Basically, the pregnant woman should feel comfortable with everything she does and not overexert herself. Then there is nothing to prevent sports, especially back training.

On the contrary, many pregnant women suffer from back pain during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the additional weight of the baby can press on spinal structures and nerve roots, the pregnant woman adopts a hollow back posture and the tendons, ligaments and joints loosen due to the hormonal changes. Targeted back training can positively influence these processes by strengthening the back muscles.

Studies show that pregnant women who do regular back training have fewer physical complaints and a lower risk of complications during birth.In addition, back training not only strengthens the muscles, but also regulates the blood sugar level and circulation. Thus, back training helps pregnant women to feel fit and well. And of course, back training also has positive effects with regard to the time after birth. Pregnant women who have already done regular back training during pregnancy feel fit again sooner and need less recovery gymnastics than those who have not done any back training. The only thing the pregnant woman should make sure of is that from the 4-5 month of pregnancy onwards, she should no longer perform exercises in the prone or supine position.

Do health insurance companies contribute to the costs?

Back training helps to alleviate or even completely eliminate back problems. But it doesn’t have to come to that – if you regularly train and strengthen your back, you can effectively prevent back problems. The intervertebral discs are relieved, strength and mobility improve, so that the general efficiency also increases. That’s why some health insurance companies also subsidize preventive back training courses and special training such as Nordic walking, aqua fitness, spinal gymnastics and other sports courses that train the spine.