

Anatomically, the hindfoot corresponds to a part of the tarsal. The term “hindfoot” comes more from clinical everyday life. Here, the term is used to describe two of the tarsal bones, namely the

  • Talus (talus bone) and the
  • Calcaneus (heel bone)


The hindfoot consists of talus and calcaneus. The calcaneus lies on the ground with its tuber calcanei. Towards the front it articulates with the Os cubuoideum (cuboid bone), towards the top the talus rests on it.

The talus carries the trochlea tali (joint roll) in its upper part. The trochlea tali and the malleolar fork form the upper ankle joint. The head of the talus, on the other hand, is involved in the formation of the lower ankle joint towards the front. The hindfoot – viewed from behind – is normally bent about 5 degrees from the lower leg (valgus position).

  • Tibia (shin bone) and
  • Fibula (calf bone), is included.

Clinical aspects

A fracture (break) of the calcaneus occurs mainly when falling or jumping from a great height, for example, with suicidal intent.