Bacterial Enteritis

Enteritis is an intestinal infection. This can have various causes. However, it is often caused by bacteria. For example, such an intestinal infection may occur during travel or as a result of a salmonella infection. What types of bacterial enteritis there are, you will learn below.

Salmonella enteritis

Probably the most common cause of bacterial enteritis in our latitudes is infection with Salmonella (especially Salmonella enteritidis). Especially in summer months, contaminated animal products (especially poultry and eggs) cause symptoms that usually disappear after 12 to 48 hours without consequences.

Travel diarrhea

Mainly responsible for unpleasant memories (“Montezuma’s revenge”) of adventure travel are pathogenic (disease-causing) coliform bacteria (mainly enterotoxic E.coli). The bacteria produce toxins that negatively affect the transport of water and electrolytes (especially sodium and potassium) through the intestine. This intestinal inflammation, accompanied by severe diarrhea, usually heals without consequences after a few days. However, E. coli strains exist that can cause more severe symptoms.


Particularly in developing countries, epidemic diarrheal diseases caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae occur repeatedly after floods. Lack of hygiene caused by non-existent or poorly functioning sewage systems (contaminated drinking water!), combined with warm climates, ensure rapid multiplication of the germ. Here, too, toxins cause inhibition of absorption and increased secretion (secretion) of water and electrolytes by the intestinal cells. The result is very severe, sometimes uncontrollable diarrhea, which quickly leads to dehydration and, especially in children, unfortunately often to death.


Caused by Salmonella typhi, this invasive intestinal disease begins slowly and causes a typical fever characteristic. After initial constipation, pea-pulp-like diarrhea develops in the second week. The bacterium penetrates the intestinal wall and enters the bloodstream, from where it can infect other organs. Infection occurs via hands smeared with human feces or via contaminated food or drinking water. In our country, most of the generally rare cases are imported from tropical countries. Unfortunately, there are so-called permanent excretors in whom typhoid symptoms are no longer present, but who can infect other people by excreting S. typhi.

Shigellosis (bacterial dysentery).

Bloody, mucopurulent diarrhea accompanied by painful intestinal cramps is the leading symptom of infection with this bacterium (Shigella). Dysentery is particularly common in times of hardship and war due to reduced hygiene. The modes of transmission are the same as for typhoid fever.

Yersinia enteritis (yersiniosis).

Yersinia (most commonly Yersinia enterocolitica) causes this intestinal infection transmitted through animal contact and contaminated animal foods. This pathogen is detectable in about one percent of all diarrheal cases. Children often suffer from “appendicitis symptoms”, while adults experience symptoms reminiscent of Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis. Other bacterially caused enteritis can be caused by campylobacter, clostridia (“antibiotic enteritis”), or tuberculosis bacteria.

Fungi (Candida, Aspergillus).

Cause inflammation of the intestine primarily in immunocompromised people (for example, AIDS).

Protozoal enteritis

Of the unicellular parasites, Giardia lamblia (lambliasis) and Entamöba histolytica (amoebic ruhr) in particular cause persistent diarrhea. These pathogens are found especially in returnees from tropical and subtropical regions. However, certain forms also occur in Europe. Apart from pulpy diarrhea, lambliasis is asymptomatic. Infection occurs through the mouth by ingestion of cysts, smear infections (via feces), or contaminated food. Amoebic dysentery, on the other hand, is invasive. This means that the amoebae can penetrate the intestinal wall and colonize other organs (most notably the liver). In addition to raspberry jelly-like diarrhea, this can cause serious complications such as intestinal rupture, bleeding, and liver abscesses.

Toxic enterocolitis

Due to certain heavy metals (mercury, lead) or toxin-producing bacteria (Staphylococcus, Bacillus cereus, or Clostridium perfringens), nausea, explosive vomiting, cramping pain, and diarrhea may occur within a few hours. Since some of the bacterial toxins are heat-stable, these symptoms can also occur after eating cooked food. Despite this briefly severe clinical picture, most patients recover quickly.

Actinic enteritis

After irradiation of a cancer, inflammation takes place in the sensitive enterocytes, but this usually heals without consequences thanks to the high regeneration rate of intestinal cells.

Allergic enteritis

In principle, any food can trigger an allergic reaction of the gastrointestinal tract if the patient is predisposed to it. Particularly common allergens are cow’s milk, eggs, soy, nuts, fruits, vegetables (celery), and grains. In the case of the latter, long-term exposure of the intestinal villi to wheat components (gliadin) can lead to sometimes pronounced deficiency symptoms in children (celiac disease, sprue). Here, the distinction from autoaggressive forms of inflammation is fluid.

Autoaggressive (autoimmune-related) enteritis.

This group essentially includes the chronic inflammatory bowel diseases Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.Additional info For travelers, the rule is still “cook it, peel it, or leave it”