Bacterial Meningitis: Or something else? Differential Diagnosis

Blood, blood-forming organs-immune system (D50-D90).

Cardiovascular system (I00-I99).

  • Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAB; hemorrhage between the spinal meninges and the soft meninges; incidence: 1-3%); symptomatology: proceed according to “Ottawa rule for subarachnoid hemorrhage”:
    • Age ≥ 40 years
    • Meningismus (symptom of painful neck stiffness in irritation and disease of the meninges).
    • Syncope (brief loss of consciousness) or impaired consciousness (somnolence, sopor and coma).
    • Onset of cephalgia (headache) during physical activity.
    • Thunderclap headache/destructive headache (about 50% of cases).
    • Restricted mobility of the cervical spine (Cervical spine).

Infectious and parasitic diseases (A00-B99).

Neoplasms – tumor diseases (C00-D48).

  • Rupture of a tumor cyst – rupture of a cavity (cyst) filled with malignant cells (cancer disease).

Ears – mastoid process (H60-H95).

  • Mastoiditis – mastoid process inflammation; inflammation of the aerated bone cells of the mastoid process (mastoid process).

Psyche – nervous system (F00-F99; G00-G99).

  • Amoebic meningoencephalitis – caused by Naegleria fowleri from drinking water contaminated with it, swimming pools (swimming pool amebiasis), and bathing lakes; produces pyogenic meningitis PAME (primary amoebic meningoencephalitis), which occurs mainly in children and young adults; incubation period (time from infection to onset of disease): 3-7 (-14) days; symptomatology: fever, nausea (nausea)/vomiting, cephalgia (headache), and meningismus (painful neck stiffness); comma and death within a week.
  • Empyema – collection of pus in a body cavity; may occur in the skull subdurally (under the hard meninges) and epidurally (on the hard meninges)
  • Encephalitis (inflammation of the brain).
  • Brain abscess – accumulation of pus in the brain (headache, nausea, vomiting, epileptic seizures, clouding of consciousness).
  • Meningeosis carcinomatosa – metastases (daughter tumors) of a cancer in the meninges.