Bacterial Vaginosis: Causes

Pathogenesis (development of disease)

Etiology (cause) and pathophysiology are still unknown. Genetic and immunological factors, a gene polymorphism, psychosocial stress, also a disturbed oral flora (microbiota) in periodontitis (inflammation caused by bacteria, which manifests itself in a largely irreversible destruction of the periodontium) and a deficiency of vitamin B3 are discussed as causes. The pathophysiological basis can obviously be very different. Typical is a decrease in H2O2-producing lactobacilli with a simultaneous increase in pH combined with an increase in a wide variety of microorganisms. The urinary bladder is always co-infected. The typical fishy odor is caused by metabolic products (amines) of anaerobes. On the other hand, they inhibit the growth of yeast fungi. Since it is not an inflammation, the name colpitis or amine colpitis is not correct.

What is special is that a so-called biofilm is formed, which does not occur in colpitides. It consists of a basic substance (matrix substance) in which the pathogens typical for amine colpitis are stored and become symptomatic. Because bacterial biofilms are typical of chronic infections and/or of infections associated with foreign bodies, we know that they cannot be reliably eliminated by the therapies established today, although the impression of cure is given (elimination of symptoms, normal pH, normal native preparation).

Etiology (causes)

Biographic causes

  • Females during sexual maturity
  • Hormonal factors – pregnancy

Behavioral causes

  • Sexual intercourse (e.g., change from vaginal to anal or oral coitus/intercourse).
  • Promiscuity (sexual contact with relatively frequently changing different partners).

Other causes

  • Surgical gynecological procedures