Bacterial Vaginosis: Therapy

General measures

  • Observance of the general hygiene measures!
  • Genital hygiene
    • Once a day, the genital area should be washed with a pH neutral care product. Washing several times a day with soap, intimate lotion or disinfectant destroys the natural acid mantle of the skin. Pure water dries out the skin, frequent washing irritates the skin.
    • It is recommended to use disposable washcloths.
    • Showering is better than bathing (softening the skin).
    • Wash hair separately to avoid wetting the vulva (external genitals) with shampoo.
    • Drying the skin dabbing with a soft absorbent towel or a cool hair dryer held far away.
    • Putting on underwear only when the skin is absolutely dry.
    • Underwear should be changed daily and be breathable (cotton materials).
    • Synthetic materials impermeable to air create an ideal breeding ground for pathogens.
    • Use of plain, non-colored toilet paper.
    • Use of non-perfumed sanitary napkins or panty liners.
  • Clothing:
    • Avoiding moisture, sweating, heat (possibly reinforcing vulvitis/inflammation of the external genitalia, ideal breeding ground for pathogens) by wearing wide, breathable cotton underwear (preferably 100%).
    • Avoiding nylon or other synthetic underwear.
    • Avoiding tight-fitting clothing (leggings, pants, tights, bike shorts); skirts and dresses allow air to circulate better
    • Daily change of underwear
  • In case of recurrent (recurring) infections, the partner should also be treated.

Nutritional medicine

  • Nutritional counseling based on nutritional analysis
  • Nutritional recommendations according to a mixed diet taking into account the disease at hand. This means, among other things:
    • Daily total of 5 servings of fresh vegetables and fruits (≥ 400 g; 3 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruits).
    • Once or twice a week fresh sea fish, i.e. fatty marine fish (omega-3 fatty acids) such as salmon, herring, mackerel.
    • High-fiber diet (whole grain products).
  • Observance of the following special dietary recommendations:
    • Diet rich in:
      • Vitamins (D, E)
      • Trace element (zinc)
      • Omega-3 fatty acids (marine fish)
      • Probiotic foods (if necessary, dietary supplements with probiotic cultures).
  • Selection of appropriate food based on the nutritional analysis
  • See also under “Therapy with micronutrients (vital substances)” – if necessary, taking a suitable dietary supplement.
  • Detailed information on nutritional medicine you will receive from us.