Badeotitis: Danger from Water in the Ear

The sun is shining and we people are again looking for the proximity of the water – it beckons the bathing lakes and the sea. But beware: bathing water can get into the ear and cause bathotitis. “Badeotitis” is the name of an inflammation of the external auditory canal that occurs more frequently in summer, especially during the bathing season. The painful inflammation is caused by germs – mostly bacteria – which can get into the ear with the bath water.

Danger: inflammation of the ear canal

Especially with frequent and long-lasting stay in lakes or sea, there may still be water in the external auditory canal. In the warm, moist environment of the narrow ear canal (pathway from the pinna to the eardrum), conditions are optimal for the growth of fungi and bacteria.

After only a few hours, this can become noticeable as itching or pain. The incipient inflammation can subside spontaneously, but it can also worsen and develop into a painful middle ear infection. One counts the “Badeotitis” to the external ear canal inflammations, in the technical language “Otitis externa” called.

Symptoms of bathotitis may include:

  • Severe pain
  • Feeling of pressure
  • Discharge and itching
  • Swelling of the ear canal
  • Possible hearing loss

If these symptoms occur, a doctor should be consulted. After a thorough history, the doctor can perform an otoscopy, then clean the ear canal and, depending on the pathogen, a local treatment with antibiotics or antifungals.

Complication: middle ear infection

The pathogens can reach the middle ear by spreading germs and cause middle ear infection. Otitis media is an inflammation – usually very painful – of the mucous membranes of the middle ear, which is often accompanied by effusion formation. It manifests itself by stabbing ear pain, reduction of hearing, fever as well as a “knocking” in the ear. Chills, dizziness, vomiting, hearing loss or poor general condition also indicate otitis media.

In some cases, the eardrum bursts and blood and pus flow out of the ear. The pain then abruptly subsides. In adults, a rupture in the eardrum is most often noticed by hearing loss. If ear infections occur frequently in the summer after swimming, this may be a sign of a perforation of the eardrum that has not yet been recognized.

Otitis media is treated by the doctor with antibiotics, which the patient must take for several days. In addition, decongestant nasal drops are administered. These increase secretion drainage and thus contribute to better ventilation of the middle ear. The intake of painkillers and red light or heat irradiation of the ear support the treatment. With these measures, the symptoms usually subside within a few days.

Tips for healthy bathing

  • When swimming, bathing or showering, water can get into the ear. In the external ear canal, water is usually harmless. It is important to make sure that the ear dries out quickly. To do this, tilt your head to the side so that the water can run out. Under the ear simply hold a towel that absorbs the water.
  • In no case should you use cotton swabs: The skin softened by the water will otherwise be damaged.
  • Water that stands in the ear canal for a very long time and softens the skin can cause inflammation. Inflammation is noticeable by pain and should be treated medically!
  • By wearing a bathing cap, the ears are protected. This measure is especially useful for sensitive people.
  • Those who have damage to the ear or have just had fresh ear surgery, must be careful not to get water into the ear. It is best to refrain from swimming and bathing for a while. Caution is then also required when showering.