Baking Powder | White teeth through coconut oil

Baking Powder

The miracle cure of all household remedies is probably baking powder. It promises fast effects and super white teeth. But what is in it?

Besides various salts, baking powder also contains acids such as tartaric acid, and that’s exactly where the problem lies. The tooth is attacked by the acid and the coarse-grained salts in the baking powder cause you to scrub the enamel with a toothbrush. In doing so, you do more harm to the tooth than good to it.

You take away the protective layer, the enamel, and the tooth becomes sensitive to thermal stimuli – heat and cold. This can be so severe that it causes severe toothache and the dentist must be consulted. Definitely not the right remedy to get white teeth.

Other household remedies

Many people trust household remedies when it comes to illness and quick help. But are they also advisable for bleaching? In addition to the classics such as baking powder, methods are often circulating in the media that involve rubbing fruit into the teeth.

Especially lemons, oranges and strawberries are the means of choice. What is the whitening effect of these fruits? Fruit consists of fruit acids that roughen the enamel.

In the first moment they may remove discoloration, but they also remove the most valuable layer of the tooth – the enamel, which cannot be replaced by any other method in the world. Therefore, this household remedy is not recommended. Normal household salt should also be able to remove discoloration with a toothbrush.

The same applies here as for baking powder: the grains of salt are much too large and thus wear away far too much enamel, which does more harm than good to the tooth. As a purely optical household remedy, lipstick helps, which, due to the greater color contrast, makes the teeth appear whiter without damaging them in any way.