Bathing in Pregnancy

A bath during pregnancy is not only refreshing, but can also be wonderfully relaxing. Whether it is a classic bubble bath in your own bathtub or practicing a little exercise in the pool – bathing during pregnancy is basically no problem. However, it is advisable for the pregnant woman to heed a few pieces of advice in advance and observe heightened precautions.

Bathing during pregnancy – not too hot and not too long!

The radio is playing romantic music, the lights are dimmed, the tub is filled with warm water and there is foam everywhere. Time for relaxation. Relaxation that is often bitterly needed during pregnancy. In the tub, the pregnant woman can relax, switch off and regenerate her body, mind and soul. The warmth of the water loosens the muscles, relaxes the joints and the back; the baby also naturally feels the warmth of the water. The water temperature should be between 33 and 34 degrees; temperatures around 37 or 38 degrees are not suitable, as the vessels dilate to such an extent that the blood pressure drops and the pregnant woman sometimes experiences circulatory problems. Many pregnant women then feel dizzy, which increases the risk of falling or having an accident when they get out of the tub. Sometimes the hot temperatures can also aggravate already existing varicose veins. The risk of premature contractions should also be taken into account. If the body temperature rises to 38.5 degrees – due to the hot water – labor may sometimes occur. Hot baths increase the risk of premature birth and also the rate of malformation. It is therefore advisable to keep the temperature within moderate limits, sometimes checked by a temperature gauge, and not to exceed a duration of 15 minutes. Those who follow these tips will have no problems during pregnancy and can continue to enjoy warm baths. Other tips: Pregnant women should have a glass of water within reach of the tub or be able to reach it easily. This is because the body – due to the heat – loses fluid, which should be replenished. Pregnant women should be careful when getting out of the tub never to be alone; the partner should be on the spot to be on the safe side, if nevertheless problems with the circulation occur. If the pregnant woman suffers from dry skin, moisturizing additives can be added to the bath water. Essential oils are not recommended. These can – due to cinnamon, cloves, camphor – trigger premature contractions. If the pregnant woman is not sure which additives to use, the attending physician is available for advice and support. As in all areas of pregnancy, if the pregnant woman is unsure, she should contact the doctor in advance and consult.

Better not: relaxing in the hot tub.

Even if bathing during pregnancy is not actually a serious problem, but you should refrain from bathing in the whirlpool. Due to the fact that the water is much warmer and is renewed less frequently, it is a wonderful breeding ground for fungi and bacteria. As the hormone balance changes during pregnancy, there is also a reduced acid level in the vagina. Immune defenses are therefore weakened, making pregnant women more susceptible to infections. Therefore, if you want to avoid vaginal fungal infections, you should refrain from taking a bath in the whirlpool. Furthermore, it should be noted that – as with bathing in the tub – water that is too warm dilates blood vessels, lowers blood pressure, sometimes causes problems with the circulation, and also poses a risk of premature labor. While bathing in the tub is definitely not a problem, the hot tub should be avoided.

Swimming during pregnancy

Those who were already active in sports before their pregnancy and regularly exercised in swimming pools should not have to do without it during pregnancy. Swimming represents a good muscle workout and also helps against intestinal sluggishness, which can sometimes occur during pregnancy. For this reason, it is also advisable for untrained women to start with light swimming exercises when they are pregnant and sometimes need relaxation or want to boost their digestion. It should be noted, however, that only basic swimming styles should be practiced. It is important that the pregnant woman does not overexert herself or that her pulse does not increase too much.Only the doctor can determine what the recommended upper limit is. Of course, the upper pulse limit also depends on how trained the woman was before her pregnancy. It should be taken into account that there is always a 24-hour rest period between swimming pool visits. However, if the pregnant woman is a fan of natural waters, she should obtain information in advance from the city administration about water quality. In almost all cases, rivers and lakes are not polluted, although it is still advisable to obtain information if there is sometimes a germ load. If the water is contaminated, it should be avoided during pregnancy.

Pregnant swimming -Let it go easy

If the pregnant woman observes a few rules and advice, swimming during pregnancy is not a problem. It is important that the pregnant woman neither overheats nor overexerts herself. The most important thing during pregnancy is rest and relaxation. Competitive sports should not be practiced during this time. For this reason, it is important that bathing and also units in the swimming pool are seen as pure relaxation.