Bikini figure


Every year, when summer is just around the corner, the desire for the bikini figure comes to the fore. On the Internet and in advertising, there are thousands of offers on how to lose weight and achieve your bikini figure. But what is really important when losing weight and which weight loss tips work? In order to lose weight successfully, it usually requires a change in diet and sports behaviour.

How do I get a bikini figure?

The rule for weight loss and bikini figure is actually very simple. You need to consume fewer calories than you consume. However, this is easier said than done.

There are several ways to achieve this goal. First of all, one step is to change your diet. High-fat and high-sugar products should be avoided.

It is best to cook for yourself. There are many light dishes on the Internet. Salads or vegetable soups are suitable, for example.

However, it is important to make sure that you do not feel hungry while you are losing weight. Otherwise you will be tempted much more quickly and increase the risk of a yo-yo effect after stopping the diet. Healthy, low-calorie dishes that keep you full for a long time are recommended.

These include high-fibre foods such as vegetables, salads or wholemeal products. As for drinks, water and tea are recommended in the first instance. A lot of drinking with food is an advantage.

This stretches the stomach more, which contributes to the feeling of fullness. In addition to the lower calorie intake, the body’s calorie consumption should also be increased. Endurance sports such as swimming and jogging are best suited for this.

This is because during only brief physical exertion the body draws on its sugar reserves and not on its fat reserves. But strength training should also be included in the sports programme. Because if a lot of weight is lost, muscle mass is also lost if there is not enough training, which should be avoided. Muscles give the body a better shape.

How long does it take to get a bikini figure?

The length of time it takes to achieve a bikini figure varies greatly from person to person. But in all cases it requires a lot of patience and stamina. As already explained, 7,000kcal must be used for one kilogram of fatty tissue.

Depending on how many kilograms you want to lose and how much sport you do, the duration can vary greatly. If one assumes a weight loss by pure fat tissue reduction, about 500g per week are realistic to achieve a long-term result. These 500g per week are possible if you reduce your energy consumption by about 4,000 – 5,000 kcal per week and exercise two to three times a week.

Of course you have a personal leeway here and you can also lose more weight. However, you should not set yourself too high goals, as this can quickly become frustrating. Therefore, you should find out for yourself how much is individually achievable.