Birthmark: Causes, Treatment & Help

The term birthmark, or more specifically mole, is the colloquial name of an abnormal growth of skin cells that form pigments. For this reason, the areas visible on the surface of the skin, some of which are raised and usually brown to dark brown in color, are referred to as nevus or mole, as it were, with technical accuracy.

What is a birthmark?

The term mole, or more specifically mole, is the colloquial name for an abnormal growth of skin cells that form pigment. The name pigmented nevus identifies the coloration of the mole. The birthmark is a benign, but observable, non-reversible skin irritation. In contrast to the brownish moles, red to dark red discolored growths are typical representatives. In most cases, a nevus contains small blood vessels, sebaceous glands and various skin cells, which contributes to the deviating coloration and extension. Moles include nevus cell nevus, lentigo simplex, and lentigo solaris.


Moles can be both congenital and acquired. It is not clear why babies are already born with birthmarks in isolated cases. Many people acquire one or more moles during their lifetime due to very different factors. They may have a genetic predisposition to it. In addition, it is possible that a weak or disturbed immune system promotes the formation of birthmarks. Environmental influences, such as an intensive and permanent irradiation of the skin with UV light as well as a hormonal cause, are also suspected to trigger or force the formation of birthmarks. Basically, the development of birthmarks is a complex process that is accompanied by a variety of influencing factors, as environmental influences also play an important role. In part, a person’s skin type also determines whether or not a birthmark develops. In some cases, birthmarks form increasingly with age and are a form for the natural aging processes of the skin. Intensive research has surprisingly shown that mainly women suffer from moles. In men, these skin irritations occur rather rarely. Moles represent a concentrated accumulation of pigment cells of the skin. The nevus cells are formed from a large number of these cells, some of which multiply extensively.

Diseases with this symptom

  • Skin cancer
  • Melanoma
  • Age spots


The biggest complication associated with birthmarks is the risk of their degeneration. This refers to the development of a birthmark into a melanoma, a malignant tumor of the skin. This tumor is so dangerous because it spreads relatively quickly and thus a complete cure is often no longer possible. Primarily, when such a melanoma is detected, an attempt is made to remove it with a certain safety margin. A possible radiation or chemotherapy can follow. If a degenerated mole is detected early, the chances of a cure are good overall. Without treatment, black skin cancer is always fatal. The degenerated birthmark spreads to lymph glands and lungs at an early stage, so that in the end there is a risk of complications due to multiple organ failure. In general, complications can occur with large birthmarks due to the fact that their nature interferes with everyday life. Thus, one can get stuck on a large, raised birthmark or accidentally scratch oneself so that it starts to bleed. Constant injury to a birthmark, in turn, carries the risk that it may become malignant. To avoid such complications, large moles that are considered bothersome should be regularly presented to a dermatologist. The latter can decide on the necessity of removal.

When should you go to the doctor?

A small mole need not be a cause for concern. However, if it changes in color or size, a doctor should be consulted. This is especially advisable if the mole bleeds, itches or weeps. The size of a birthmark can also change. If necessary, the dermatologist will decide whether the problematic spot should be removed or not.The laboratory result will determine whether the spot was benign or malignant. Knowing that a degenerated mole may be a skin cancer, those affected should not delay going to the doctor for too long. Skin cancer does not hurt at first. It is often not noticeable at first. Every two years, every adult should go to a dermatologist for a free skin cancer screening. Moles are harmless in themselves. However, they can degenerate with age. Precautions and self-monitoring are therefore advised. Anyone affected by moles should also see a doctor if they suffer from a large or disfiguring mole. Psychologists or cosmetic surgeons are the right people to contact in this case. It is not always possible to remove larger moles. However, those affected can learn to accept moles or to cover them up with camouflage cosmetics. Even then, however, the moles should be monitored and regularly examined by the dermatologist for any changes.

Treatment and therapy

The treatment options for moles and, in particular, moles are usually necessary only from a cosmetic point of view. In addition, moles can also degenerate, enlarge, develop a weeping characteristic, or show themselves by a striking irregular growth. Then it is important to remove them, because a malignant degeneration can be the cause. In addition to the more or less invasive treatment method of surgical removal under local anesthesia, modern cosmetic surgery currently removes moles using special laser technology. The advantage of surgical removal is that an appropriate laboratory examination of the removed tissue can be performed with regard to cancerous skin cells. A biopsy is usually recommended by the dermatologist when signs of cancerous degeneration are confirmed. In case of surgical removal, the removal is performed by punching out the corresponding skin area or by using the scalpel. A so-called electrosurgical treatment of birthmarks is based on the removal of skin tissue through the use of electric current with high frequencies using a fine loop of wire. In laser treatment, a beam of light corresponding to a specific wavelength, which hits the birthmark as heat, causes the birthmark to recede. Often, even after the successful removal of the birthmark, subsequent treatments and checkups become necessary. Either sutures have to be removed or another therapy is required.

Outlook and prognosis

A birthmark is usually not a particular medical complication and therefore does not require treatment in most cases. Most moles are benign forms of cancer that have no negative impact on a patient’s health. A dermatologist does not need to be consulted in these cases. A birthmark can be removed through a surgical procedure. Treatment with medications or with creams does not usually take place. Whether a birthmark needs to be removed can be determined by a scan at the dermatologist. As a rule, a doctor should be consulted whenever the birthmark changes, bleeds or itches. Here there is an increased risk of cancer. In most cases, this can be treated relatively well and does not lead to further complications or difficulties if measures are taken quickly. Only rarely can the cancer spread to other regions and thus damage other parts of the body.

What you can do yourself

In the case of a birthmark, self-help is usually not possible or necessary. The birthmark is also treated by the doctor only in a few cases and in most cases it does not pose any danger to the human body. However, the patient should always keep an eye on the birthmark. In the case of strong sunlight, which occurs especially in summer, the affected area on the skin should be especially well lubricated. At least a protection factor of 30 should be used here. If the birthmark changes, a doctor should be consulted immediately. This is usually a benign tumor, which should, however, be removed. The changes can occur in the shape, color and size. Also, birthmarks that appear on the skin and were not there before should be noted.These also need to be treated by a doctor. The treatment itself is painless, the doctor removes the affected mole without further complications. Hair often grows out of a birthmark. These can be carefully removed with scissors or tweezers. However, if the birthmark does not change, no treatment is necessary.