Bite wound


English: bite


A bite wound is a wound inflicted by animal or human teeth. The pattern of injury is similar to that of a stab wound. It can vary in depth and size.


The bite wound is one of the infected wounds and resembles a stitch wound in its pattern. Depending on the force exerted, these injury patterns can range from a superficial defect to the complete separation of a body part. Infection of the wound with bacteria is also dangerous.

The extent of the injury/bite wound depends not only on the condition of the jaw but also on the force applied. The larger the jaw, the sharper the teeth and the greater the force applied to a part of the body, the worse the resulting injury. It ranges from slight epidermal defects to the complete separation of a body part (e.g. fingers).

Large, flat teeth (e.g. grinders) are more likely to cause bruising. Bite wounds can be dangerous not only because of the mechanical force, they are also considered infected wounds. Pathogens primarily enter the wound through saliva. Later, bacteria and germs of other origins can also collect in the bite channel.


In the case of a bite wound, the surgeon speaks of a primarily infected wound. A colonisation of the bite wound with bacteria is therefore very likely. The therapy of choice for a bite wound is therefore open wound treatment.

The wound is cleaned, disinfected and if necessary cut out to remove dead tissue. Initially the wound is kept open. It is also cut out if the edges of the wound are shredded and therefore difficult to adapt.

Straight wound edges can be sutured together better and with better cosmetic results of a scar. The possibility of cutting out the wounds is strongly limited by the location of the wound. A wound on the face is cut out less generously than a comparable wound on the thigh, for example.


The bite wounds usually heal well. Depending on size and depth, scars are left behind. If vessels and/or nerves have been damaged, the prognosis naturally depends on the healing process.

Prophylaxis of a bite wound

A wound infection should be prevented in any case. Have wounds cleaned by a doctor. If possible, do not try to clean the wound with cloths yourself – this is done by the doctor with sterile compresses. Coarse splinters or similar can be removed.