Body Lice Infestation (Pediculosis Corporis): Causes

Pathogenesis (disease development)

The clothes louse is one of the ectoparasites of humans. They prefer to stay on the inside of undergarments, less frequently on body hair or in bed. They are among the bloodsuckers. Clothes lice can live without food for four days at temperatures of around 23°C. The lice adhere to the hairs of the body and can be found on the inside of clothing.

Larvae hatch from the eggs attached to the hair after about seven days. After another ten days, the larvae are sexually mature. The life span is about 30 to 40 days. A female lays up to 30 eggs during her life.

The preferred ambient temperature of the clothes louse is between 27 and 30 °C. The clothes louse can move quickly.

Clothes lice can move quickly but cannot jump.

Etiology (causes)

Behavioral causes

  • Transmission through exchange of infested clothing or shared towels, bedding, etc.