Boils in the groin of the man | Boils in the groin

Boils in the groin of the man

Especially in men, especially when other typical causes, such as intimate shaving, are not present, one should also think of the so-called acne inversa. This manifests itself through abscesses that occur again and again, often also in the groin area, which are often confused with a normal boil.

Boils in the groin of the woman

The most common cause of boils in the groin of women is probably intimate shaving. Since a boil is caused by an infection of the hair root, often in connection with ingrown hair, it is favored by wet shaving. In addition, the conditions favorable for bacterial growth are also added.

Especially if the boil runs in the area of the slip lines, it can be extremely painful. In any case it should be treated medically because of the danger of spreading or abscess formation. As a rule, gynecologists are also good contacts for this.

Symptoms of a boil in the groin

In addition to the visible lump in the groin area, which can cause a pressure pain in the surrounding area, an advanced boil of the groin can also show itself through general symptoms. These include: If these general symptoms occur, a doctor should be consulted promptly due to the risk of blood poisoning. Blood poisoning is also often typically manifested by a red stripe running along the lymphatic channels on the skin.

  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Lassitude
  • General feeling of illness

The Therapy

Usually it is possible to treat the boil of the groin with antibiotic ointments and disinfectant solutions. If local treatment is not sufficient, it may also be necessary to surgically open the boil. Afterwards, it is important that the wound heals well from the inside out and is treated with antibacterial agents to prevent the boil from reappearing.

Many methods from the field of naturopathy (see home remedies) are also intended to promote the emptying of the furuncle.As a further supplement, the so-called pulling ointment (e.g. Ichthiolan) is supposed to remove the pus from the boil. However, if lymph nodes or even entire lymph channels are already affected, the local therapy must be supplemented by systemic antibiotics. For this purpose, simple penicillins or cephalosporins are usually used.

In any case, a boil should not be treated on its own for too long in order to prevent the germs from penetrating further. If the furuncle becomes larger, more painful or the reddening spreads further under the treatment attempts, a physician should be consulted in any case. There are various home remedies to treat boils in the groin.

To kill the germs, acne remedies containing benzoyl peroxide can be applied. In order to empty the pus, the maturation of the furuncle can be promoted. Simple means for this are a visit to the sauna, warm milk, a warm and humid washcloth or a towel.

You can also put a washcloth or towel in hot thyme or chamomile tea. Warm compresses with hay flowers are also a good idea. In this way you can achieve an antibacterial effect at the same time.

However, you should be careful with all warm envelopes, because the heat can also promote the inflammation process. In general, this measure is only recommended for very small and not yet extensive boils. A well-tried household remedy against boils is black tea.

One can put a warm black tea bag on the furuncle and achieves fast relief of the complaints. Occasionally it is recommended to prick the boil with pus with a disinfected, e.g. boiled needle. Such splitting of a boil is recommended only by experienced medical personnel.

A pulling ointment, also called pulling ointment, is a medical ointment with valuable properties. It stimulates blood circulation, has anti-inflammatory, pain and itch-relieving properties and reduces the flow of sebum. Indications for the use of drawing ointment are skin diseases such as folliculitis, boils, acne or abscesses under the skin.

The ointment contains sulfonated shale oil and bituminosulfonates. In purulent processes, the melting of the focus of the disease and the breakthrough of the pus is pulled outwards (“pulling”). Besides household remedies, a pulling ointment can be used for treatment of boils in the groin.