Boldo: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Boldo is a shrub whose leaves have numerous applications as medicinal herbs. Above all, the antispasmodic and digestive effect of boldo tea is appreciated. However, it should be noted that side effects may occur.

Occurrence and cultivation of boldo

Boldo requires a dry and warm climate and forms fragrant white or pale yellow bell-shaped flowers, which later develop into small green or yellow berries. The scientific name of the boldo is Peumus boldus. The plant belongs to the mominia family and is colloquially known as boldi or boldus. Most often, the evergreen boldo grows in the form of a shrub, but small boldo trees maximum heights of six meters also occur. The plant is originally native to Chile, where it forms dense scrub forests in some regions. The boldo requires a dry and warm climate and forms fragrant white or pale yellow, bell-shaped flowers, which later produce small green or yellow berries. For medicinal purposes, however, only the leaves of boldo are used. These are leathery, rigid and often slightly brittle. Their characteristic odor of peppermint or camphor is striking. In addition, the upper side of the leaves is covered with numerous light humps, while the underside is always smooth. For the production of medicines, the leaves are cut on the tree or bush. After drying, they can be shaken off.

Effect and application

In folk medicine in Chile and Peru, boldo has had its place for centuries. It is particularly commonly used for various types of abdominal pain and digestive complaints. These include heartburn, flatulence, nausea, vomiting or stomach pain. Boldo can also be helpful for sluggishness of the bowels and constipation; in addition, the leaves have a mild diuretic effect. The reduced and dried leaves are usually taken in the form of a tea. For a cup of tea, about two teaspoons of the leaves are poured over boiling water and left to steep for ten minutes. The slightly cooled tea is drunk two to three times a day. Scientific studies support the traditional knowledge: Boldo leaves contain alkaloids, flavonoids and two to three percent essential oil as effective ingredients. These stimulate the production of bile and gastric juice. That is why boldo leaves should be used only for stomach and digestive problems characterized by lack of bile production or bloating. A nervous stomach or an irritable bowel, on the other hand, the tea can have a significant negative effect. In Germany, the leaves are already available as a ready tea preparation and as a liquid extract. Medicines containing Boldin in solutions or tablets are also available in pharmacies. The recommended daily dose is about three grams of leaves or 60 drops of liquid extract. Often the dried leaves are combined with other medicinal herbs for nausea and vomiting, for example, anise, fennel or peppermint. To stimulate the gallbladder, combinations with artichokes and celandine are also proven. Due to its digestive stimulating effect, the shrub is also said to support diets. Thus, the active ingredients of the leaves are also contained in some weight loss remedies. In Latin American cuisine, boldo leaves are also frequently used as a spice. The slightly bitter, strong aroma gives many traditional Peruvian dishes their characteristic flavor. The dried leaves are used, for example, to refine meat stews, fish dishes or side dishes with mushrooms. They are also used to flavor alcoholic beverages. In terms of taste, they can be compared to bay leaves, but have a far more intense aroma. In Europe, boldo leaves are still very rarely used for cooking.

Significance for health, treatment and prevention.

The main constituents of boldo are ascaridol, various alkaloids, linalool flavonoid glycosides and cineole. In addition to the proven stimulation of bile production and gastric juice production by the leaves of boldo smoke, further scientific studies indicated that they can also have an anti-inflammatory effect. Also, they have an antioxidant effect, that is, neutralize harmful oxygen compounds that cause cells to age faster and make them susceptible to disease.In higher doses, boldo can have an anesthetic and analgesic effect. The indigenous people of Chile and Peru also resorted to tea made from the leaves of boldo smoke in the event of aching limbs or injuries. Some published studies suggest that boldo leaves may help fight some types of cancer. However, there is still little firm evidence on this aspect. That is why the leaves have not been used in the treatment of cancer so far. It is essential to note that boldo should not be overdosed or taken over a long period of time without the supervision of a physician. Increased intake over a few weeks may cause nervous disturbances. Symptoms in these rare cases include the patient appearing absent-minded and feeling as if he or she is hypnotized. Auditory hallucinations, that is, hearing voices and sounds that are not real, may also occur. In overdose, other side effects include repeated vomiting, diarrhea, and dizziness. More than ten grams of the leaves per day is considered too high a dose. However, if the recommended doses are followed, these side effects are extremely rare. If one wants to continue the treatment with Boldo for more than four weeks, it is recommended to consult a doctor as a precaution. Because of the side effects, pregnant women are not advised to take Boldo. Other medicinal herbs are also recommended for children under the age of ten for nausea.