Breast Attachment Disorders: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Anlage disorders of the breast are a congenital malformation of the breast. Affected patients are mainly women, most of whom suffer significantly from their breast disposition disorder. In particularly severe cases, surgery is therefore advised.

What are abnormalities of the breast?

Disorders of the breast are among the diseases that are congenital in most cases. However, these malformations of the breast often do not become clearly visible until puberty. These abnormalities include breasts that are too small, too large or of different shapes. In addition, medicine recognizes other malformations such as missing or supernumerary nipples or breast attachments. These disorders or malformations are already recognizable after birth. Most abnormalities of the breast affect women, but men can also have extra nipples, for example. In general, these malformations of the breast occur rather rarely. In most cases, an increased health risk is not to be assumed, but abnormalities of the breast are often psychologically very stressful for those affected.


Quite little is known in the medical and scientific community about the causes of breast disposition disorders. However, hormonal causes on the one hand and genetic causes on the other hand are often discussed for this disorder. Depending on the type of malformation, the reason can be determined: For example, women with breasts that are too small often have too little mammary gland tissue or a deficiency of the female hormones that are conducive to and responsible for breast growth. However, inflammatory diseases or injuries to the breast in childhood can also lead to abnormalities in the development of the breast.

Symptoms, complaints and signs

Attachment disorders exist from birth, but the first symptoms often appear during puberty. Therefore, in some cases, the breast malformation is not noticed until between the ages of 8 and 14. In both sexes, additional breasts or breasts of different sizes may grow during this period. Breasts that are too large or too small also occur during puberty, often associated with unusually severe growing pains or circulatory problems in the affected area. Disorders of development can affect both breasts or occur on one side. Underdeveloped or absent breasts are possible on one or both sides. Supernumerary breast appendages usually occur on one side. Normally, there are no health problems associated with breast anomalies. However, back pain and neck pain, headaches and migraines may occur in connection with some breast malformations. Some affected individuals develop a pronounced malposition, which is usually accompanied by pain as well. If the thoracic malformation is not treated, it can lead to wear and tear of the cervical and thoracic spine. This manifests itself, among other things, through chronic pain and sensory disturbances. In the case of large breasts, infections of the skin can occur in the under-breast fold. Many affected persons also develop psychological complaints and feel their quality of life is restricted due to the anatomical disorder.

Diagnosis and course

Most anomalies of the breast are not apparent until after the affected person enters puberty. For some malformations, such as extra breasts or nipples, diagnosis is possible earlier, in infancy. During the physical examination of the affected patient, the consulting physician will first look at the abnormality and, if necessary, order a biopsy, i.e. the removal of a tissue sample, to determine the cause of the abnormality of the breast. If a hormonally induced malformation is suspected, a blood count can provide information about the patient’s hormone levels. If the malformation of the breast becomes apparent directly at birth, further examinations of the newborn should definitely be initiated. Frequently, abnormalities of the breast occur in conjunction with other physical malformations, such as those of the kidneys. In most cases, however, the malformations of the breast pose little or no risk to health. Therefore, in the case of anomalies of the breast, the physician will often advise that they merely be observed.

When should you go to the doctor?

Some abnormalities of the breast (e.g., extra breasts, supernumerary nipples) can be detected immediately after birth.The attending physician can then initiate treatment directly or suggest a later date to the parents of the affected child. Whether and when a visit to the doctor is necessary depends, among other things, on the type and severity of the disorder and the child’s constitution. In most cases, only minor changes such as bulges, slight keratinization or hair islands are noticeable in the first years of life. If these are benign, surgical treatment is not necessary. However, if complaints such as pain, circulatory problems or emotional problems develop, a doctor must be consulted. Breasts that vary greatly in size or are too large on both sides should be treated solely because of the threat of back and neck pain. Disorders of apposition such as small or sagging breasts should first be discussed with a gynecologist. In general, as soon as the breast change is associated with physical or psychological discomfort, surgery is appropriate.

Treatment and therapy

Most abnormalities of the breast do not pose an increased health risk to the affected person. However, many of the diseased patients suffer from the cosmetic blemish, which can lead to an enormous psychological burden. If the affected person suffers a great deal or even develops a psychological disorder, in the case of supernumerary nipples or breast attachments there is the possibility of correcting these abnormalities of the breast with the help of cosmetic surgery. In this way, the psychological suffering of the affected patient can be alleviated. In the case of some abnormalities of the breast structure – especially in the case of breasts of different sizes or very heavy breasts – most of the affected patients suffer from severe pain in the back and cervical spine. In these cases, physical impairment may be caused by the abnormalities of the breast, so that the doctor may advise surgery, depending on the course of the disease. If those affected suffer greatly from their deformed breasts, psychosocial support or even psychotherapy is recommended. This can help sufferers to accept their own body with the abnormalities of the breast and still feel comfortable.

Outlook and prognosis

The prognosis depends on the type of investment disorder. It further depends on whether it is expected to lead to symptoms later. In most cases, at least in purely physiologic terms, no disease value is to be expected as a result of a disposition disorder of the breast, and therefore the prognosis is favorable in purely medical terms. This does not change possible cosmetic problems and the resulting possible psychological stress for those affected. Anisomastia, for example, allows for many years of observation. Often the breasts equalize as they grow, reducing the need for surgery or the wearing of concealing pads and the like. The same is true for breasts perceived as too small. Whether they are perceived as bothersome is an individual question. There are certainly women who can live with this situation, however, the plastic surgical path is open here. Macromastia, on the other hand, can lead to pain and posture problems. Affected women can suffer physically and emotionally, which is why physiotherapy, extensive counseling or surgery should be considered. Serious anatomical disorders, such as extra or missing breasts and nipples, have far more severe effects on those affected. While excess can be corrected by surgery at an early stage, missing attachments mean correction by implant, if desired. This perceived incompleteness can lead to psychological stress for those affected. But also surgical scars and the need for special bras are sometimes stressful for affected women. How the situation is perceived and what suffering pressure arises, however, must be considered in each individual case.


Anlage disorders of the breast are in most cases congenital, which is why it is not possible to take preventive measures. However, since some of the malformations are hereditary, a newborn baby with an affected person in the family should always be examined particularly closely in order to detect the disease at an early stage if necessary.


Whether follow-up care is necessary depends on the severity of the anlage disorder. In many cases, no symptoms result at all, which is why patients do not even consider a visit to the doctor.In addition, it must be noted that many genetic malformations are cosmetic in nature. However, this results in psychological pressure, which patients can overcome with the help of therapy. A doctor can prescribe a prescription for this. Cosmetic surgery can be performed to remove a disorder of the breast. However, this is often not subsidized by health insurance. In the case of pain in the breast area, massages often provide relief. Mainly a physical examination takes place to determine the disorder. This is already possible after birth. The doctor can arrange regular check-ups if complications are possible. If hormonal causes are suspected, a blood test is recommended. Affected persons have some possibilities themselves to prevent complaints. It is not uncommon for their assistance to be important for freedom from symptoms, apart from medical treatment. Breast pain, for example, can be managed by strength training. Missing nipples can be simulated with imitations and special bras. A concealing choice of clothing prevents the condition from being visible from the outside.

What you can do yourself

Affected persons of anlage disorders in the breast can take action themselves, apart from medical measures, in order to decisively improve their quality of life and their self-esteem. To compensate for existing breast imbalances (anisomastia), (silicone) inserts or appropriately fitted bras offer quick help for those affected. In this way, asymmetries that are perceived as unpleasant can be visually corrected. If the breasts are too large or too small overall, bras that have maximizing or minimizing effects can help. The choice of concealing clothing can also already help to make differences appear less noticeable. Flowing, loose and patterned fabrics can help. Pain resulting from the size of the breast can be counteracted by strengthening the back muscles and taking appropriate support measures. Missing nipples (athelie) can also be imitated by bras with appropriate attachments. Silicone imitations are also suitable for missing breasts (amastia). For sagging breasts as a consequence of a general weakness of the connective tissue (mastoptosis), appropriate and consistently performed sports exercises can bring about improvement. Strength exercises with dumbbells that train the breast area can achieve tightening to a limited extent. A well-fitting bra with wide straps and strengthening underbust support gives the breast good support. Regular massages that promote circulation also strengthen the connective tissue.