Breast Milk: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Breast milk represents the natural form of infant nutrition. It is a body fluid that is formed in the mother’s breast after the birth of a child and, unless there is a health disorder, is formed as long as the child is breastfed. According to its needs, the composition of breast milk changes as the child grows older.

What is breast milk?

Breast milk represents the natural form of infant nutrition. It is a bodily fluid that is produced in the mother’s breast after the birth of a baby. Human breast milk is essentially the same as the milk produced by all mammalian species. It is formed in the glandular tissue of the female breast once a woman has given birth to a child. In addition to water, it contains carbohydrates, fat and protein, as well as vitamins and various enzymes and antibodies to defend against possible pathogens. Particularly rich in these substances is colostrum, the comparatively viscous breast milk formed in the first few days after birth.

Functions and tasks

The formation of breast milk is initiated as early as the second half of pregnancy. During this time, the placenta secretes the hormones progesterone and prolactin, which, among other things, stimulate the growth of glandular tissue in the breast and prepare it for the production of milk. For this reason, the breasts may secrete a milk-like fluid even towards the end of pregnancy. However, the formation of the actual breast milk does not start until one to two days after the birth of the child. In this process, the infusion of breast milk into the breasts can be experienced as very painful. Initially, the yellowish and rather viscous colostrum, which is also called colostrum, is released. This colostrum contains a particularly large number of substances for immune defense and its formation is essentially hormonally controlled. However, milk production can be stimulated by frequently putting the infant to the breast. After a few days, the composition of the fluid released changes significantly until, after about eight to ten days, it has become mature breast milk. It now contains fewer proteins and antibodies than colostrum, but is richer in fats and lactose as well as other carbohydrates. It also contains numerous vitamins and minerals as well as enzymes that promote growth and digestion. The respective mixing ratio is adapted to the respective needs of the child. Breast milk also changes during the breastfeeding process itself. While it is very liquid immediately after feeding, initially to quench thirst, it becomes richer and more satisfying after a few minutes. Sucking the baby stimulates the production of the hormone oxytocin, which not only strengthens the emotional bond between mother and child, but also stimulates the production of breast milk. Therefore, breast milk is also provided by the mammary glands as long as a child is breastfed regularly.

Diseases, ailments and disorders

Although breast milk is the best form of nutrition for infants, there are circumstances in which breastfeeding is not advisable. For example, there are some infectious diseases that can be transmitted from mother to baby through breast milk. In particular, in the case of HIV and hepatitis C infections, there is a risk that the corresponding viruses could be transmitted to the infant during breastfeeding. If the mother has a previous cytomegalovirus infection, there is a health risk only in premature babies. It is also possible for the active substances to pass to the breast milk when various medications are taken. Therefore, in such cases, breastfeeding should only take place after consultation with the attending physician. Other substances such as alcohol and nicotine, but also various environmental toxins, also pass from the woman’s body into breast milk and should therefore be avoided during breastfeeding. If an inflammation of the mammary glands, a so-called mastitis, occurs in connection with breastfeeding, this is no reason to stop breastfeeding, as there is no risk of infection for the child. Only in the event of a very severe course of the disease is it necessary to temporarily resort to mechanically pumping the breast milk. If an infant has phenylketonuria or another metabolic disorder, breast milk feeding is usually not recommended.