Breastfeeding: Pleasurable Substances and Medicines

The barrier between maternal blood and breast milk is not particularly tight. Many chemical compounds (alcohol, caffeine, drugs) can be detected in the milk a short time after eating. The concentration is similar to that in the breastfeeding woman’s circulation. Even viruses can pass through this barrier to some extent unhindered.

Which substances harm babies

The infant does not yet have the necessary mechanisms (enzymes) to break down the various foreign substances (caffeine, alcohol, nicotine). Thus, these remain longer in the child’s organism and therefore have a prolonged and intensified effect. For the mother, this means consuming as few substances as possible that could harm the newborn.

To these belong:

Substance Properties Recommendation
Alcohol Alcohol enters breast milk shortly after ingestion according to the concentration in maternal blood. It causes drowsiness and listlessness in the infant. If consumed regularly, damage to the brain of the newborn is likely. Possible consequence: delayed psychomotor development.In the mother, high doses cause a decrease in milk production. Ideally, alcoholic beverages should be avoided entirely during breastfeeding. However, 1 to 2 alcoholic drinks per week (limit!) are acceptable. If alcohol is taken, it should be immediately after and, if possible, long before the next breastfeeding. In these cases, the concentration in breast milk is lower.
Caffeine A significant amount of caffeine in maternal blood appears in breast milk. The infant reacts to the drug with irritability and insomnia. The intake of 1 to 2 cups of coffee per week should not be exceeded.
Nicotine The nicotine and other harmful substances contained in cigarette are also found in breast milk. In the infant, they can cause vomiting and cramping abdominal pain. In the longer term, the child’s susceptibility to allergies may be increased. Refrain from smoking during breastfeeding (and in general).
Medication Numerous active ingredients pass into breast milk. Ask your doctor or pharmacist.