Broken little toe


A broken little toe is a fracture, a fracture, in the little toe of the foot. It is one of the most common fractures in the area of the human forefoot. The little toe consists of a base phalanx, a middle phalanx and an end phalanx. Sometimes the middle phalanx and the end phalanx are fused together. Theoretically, any of these bony structures can be affected by a fracture, in most cases the base phalanx is broken.

How do I recognize a broken toe?

Abnormal malpositioning of the toe Movement restriction of the toe Pain, especially painful occurrence Even after a few days, the occurrence with the affected foot is still painful Swelling Bruising Audible rubbing of bones

  • Abnormal malpositioning of the toe
  • Movement restriction of the toe
  • Pain, especially painful occurrence Even after a few days, the occurrence with the affected foot is still painful
  • Even after a few days the appearance with the affected foot is still painful
  • Swelling
  • Bruise
  • Audible rubbing together of bones
  • Even after a few days the appearance with the affected foot is still painful

Other symptoms of a broken little toe

A bone fracture is accompanied by traumatic injury to the surrounding soft tissue. During the injury, the violent impact on the little toe causes body fluids from the cells and interiors of the soft tissue to flow and spread between the tissues. The toe becomes thick, red and painful under pressure.

For more information about the swollen foot, please see Swollen toe A break in the little toe is accompanied by severe pain. The pain increases when the broken toe is moved or strained. An occurrence with the affected foot is perceived as extremely painful by those affected.

If the pain lasts longer and the occurrence remains painful, this indicates a fracture. Malalignment

Depending on the type of trauma the toe is injured by, a broken toe can be accompanied by a conspicuous malpositioning. A broken toe can be significantly deformed.

Sometimes, the toe can even be seen to be dislocated and is splayed to the side. A malpositioning of the little toe is an indication of a broken bone and requires a medical examination. Depending on the type of trauma the toe is injured by, a broken toe can be associated with a conspicuous malpositioning.

A broken toe can be significantly deformed. Sometimes, the toe can even be seen to be dislocated and is splayed to the side. A malpositioning of the little toe is an indication of a broken bone and requires a medical examination.