Bruxism (Teeth Grinding): Diagnostic Tests

Obligatory medical device diagnostics.

  • Polysomnography (sleep laboratory; measurement of various body functions during sleep that provide information about sleep quality) – gold standard for diagnosis of sleep bruxism (SB); recorded:
    • Electromyography (EMG) – measurement of electrical muscle activity.
    • Encephalogram (EEG) – recording the electrical activity of the brain.
    • Electrocardiogram (ECG) – recording the electrical activity of the heart muscle.
    • Electrooculography (EOG) – method of measuring the movement of the eyes or changes in the resting potential of the retina.
    • Oxygen saturation of the blood
    • Lower jaw movements
    • Tooth-associated grinding noises

Sleep bruxism (SB) is present when:

  • > 4 episodes of bruxism* per hour.
  • > 6 activity peaks per episode
  • And/or > 25 activity peaks* * per hour of sleep.
  • And at least two crunches per night

* Bruxism episode = at least six consecutive activity peaks* * Activity peaks = EMG activity peaks that are at least twice the amplitude of resting tone; activities are counted as one activity peak if the pause between peaks is < 2 seconds; pauses ≥ 3 seconds separate two activity peaks