Burkitt’s Lymphoma | Epstein-Barr virus causes cancer

Burkitt’s Lymphoma

Burkitt’s lymphoma is almost exclusively restricted to Africa and is a large, fast-growing tumor in the neck and face area. Outside of Africa, this tumor rarely occurs in AIDS patients because the immune system fails in the context of HIV infection. This lymphoma also has a good prognosis, as the response to chemotherapy and radiation is very good.

Nasopharyngeal carcinoma

Another tumor in which EBV has been confirmed to play a role does not originate from lymphatic tissue, but from the surface epithelium in the nasopharynx. Chinese people are particularly affected by this tumor entity.

Further cancer diseases

EBV is currently being discussed as a cofactor in the development of tumors of the liver and stomach. However, reliable data are still lacking.


In an acute infection, the blood smear contains many white blood cells with a shift towards lymphocytes. In addition, the physician can have the blood searched for antibodies against the virus. This way it can be determined even years after the illness if there has ever been an infection with this particular virus. With the help of the polymerase chain reaction, the virus can also be detected directly. Cancers are detected by a combination of appearance, laboratory tests, imaging procedures such as CT or ultrasound and a tissue sample.


In case of infection, no further measures need to be taken. If necessary, the fever can be reduced with calf compresses or paracetamol. It is important that the patient is completely rested and protected.

If a malignoma has occurred, an antibody against the B-lymphocytes, which in this case are the malignant cells, can be used. The antibody specifically occupies these cells and initiates their destruction. Chemotherapy is the usual method in the presence of a lymphoma.

Since tumors often grow rapidly, radiation is also a good combination partner for therapy. Sometimes surgery can also help. However, lymphomas are not cured by surgery.


Several vaccines against EBV are currently in development with the aim of preventing cancer.However, it may take some time before a finished vaccine is available worldwide and included in the vaccination program.