Burning in the Chest: Causes, Treatment & Help

A burning sensation in the chest usually has organic, muscular, osseous (affecting the bones) or psychological causes. These may be of a threatening or harmless nature. Treatment depends on the type of cause.

What is burning in the chest?

A burning sensation in the chest can be caused by disorders of the heart or lungs, as well as tension, rib fractures, or psychological factors. A burning sensation in the chest is an acute pain in the chest area. Ribs as well as sternum limit this area forward. The spine limits it backward. It contains a variety of organs, including the heart and lungs. A burning sensation in the chest can be caused by disorders of these organs as well as by tension, rib fractures or psychological factors. The sufferer experiences a localized burning sensation or a burning sensation that runs through the entire chest. Irritation of the cough, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, tightness, and nausea are common accompanying symptoms of a burning sensation in the chest.


The causes of a burning sensation in the chest can be varied. They usually involve the heart, lungs, digestive system, muscles, or bones. Angina causes a burning sensation in the chest because narrowed coronary arteries supply insufficient blood to the heart. This burning sensation subsides after a few minutes. If the coronary vessels are completely blocked, a heart attack occurs. This triggers a burning sensation in the chest that can last longer as it progresses. The affected person also suffers from fear of death. Malfunctions of the heart valves can lead to a burning sensation in the chest, as can a viral or bacterially triggered pericarditis. High blood pressure can trigger a burning sensation in the chest similar to that of angina. A common cause of a burning sensation in the chest is bronchial asthma, a lung disease. The burning sensation often occurs in conjunction with breathing activity. Other diseases of the lungs that cause a burning sensation in the chest include pulmonary embolism, pneumonia, pneumothorax (caused by a tear in the pleura), and lung cancer. Chest and mediastinal inflammation can also be the cause of a burning sensation in the chest. Causes can also be in the digestive system: a tear in the esophagus triggers a burning sensation in the chest, as does heartburn. Simple muscle soreness and tension of muscles in the back and chest area can result in a burning sensation in the chest, as can vertebral blockages and rib fractures and bruises. In addition to these physical causes, burning in the chest can also be caused by psychological factors. Anxiety and stress sometimes trigger symptoms similar to those of angina.

Diseases with this symptom

  • Angina pectoris
  • Heart attack
  • Pulmonary embolism
  • Reflux disease
  • Pericarditis
  • Hypertension
  • Lung cancer
  • Rib contusion
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Pneumonia
  • Pneumothorax
  • Pleurisy

Diagnosis and course

In the case of a burning sensation in the chest, the doctor first asks about the duration and nature of the pain. Also of interest is where and how often the pain occurs, what symptoms also exist and what activity triggers the pain. In order to diagnose heart disease, the doctor will have an electrocardiogram (ECG) performed. Taking an X-ray will provide information about any disorders in the lungs or injuries to the skeleton. A bronchoscopy also helps diagnose lung disease. Ultrasound examinations indicate whether the heart is functioning and whether fluids have accumulated in the abdomen. If disorders of the digestive system are suspected, the doctor performs a gastroscopy.


A burning sensation in the chest can occur as a symptom of a wide variety of diseases, and the possible complications are correspondingly diverse. If the pain occurs as a result of heartburn, it is possible for the symptoms to intensify and even lead to the development of reflux disease. A diaphragmatic hernia as a cause triggers severe pain in the chest and can permanently damage the diaphragm. In the case of pancreatitis or gallstones, there is also a strong pulling sensation in the chest, which can spread to the sternum and ribs.If the complaints are based on damage to or disease of the spine, the bones may stiffen and the affected joints may become inflamed. Especially the rheumatic disease Bekhterev’s disease leads to complications of this kind. Far-reaching complications are not unlikely with chest pain. In the case of shingles, which is noticeable by a pulling sensation in the chest, the well-known belt-shaped skin rash and the sequelae of herpes zoster can occur if it is not treated. Chest pain can also be an accompanying symptom of a wide variety of organ diseases. If the heart is affected, possible complications include heart attack, high blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmias or pericarditis. If the lungs are affected, possible complications include various diseases of the lungs such as pulmonary embolism, pneumonia or lung cancer. Likewise, mitral valve prolapse, aortic valve stenosis, or pleurisy may occur as the disease progresses.

When should you see a doctor?

Burning in the chest is a symptom of many diseases and should always be taken seriously. It came to indicate reflux disease, but also heart disease. Burning in the chest accompanied by shortness of breath and a feeling of pressure in the upper abdomen is alarming. There is a risk of a heart attack. The sufferer should be taken to the emergency doctor immediately. More often, however, the burning sensation behind the breastbone occurs as a result of acid regurgitation. Some of the stomach acid runs back into the esophagus and damages the mucous membrane. Heartburn is a widespread disease that affects more than 20 million people. Heartburn reduces the elasticity of the lower esophagus. If it is not treated, it can develop into esophageal cancer. Reflux disease requires a lot of discipline from the sufferer, otherwise the symptoms will not improve. In any case, permanent heartburn must be treated medically and should lead to a change in diet. It is not uncommon for psychological problems such as anxiety attacks to cause burning and stinging in the chest. Here, too, the cause must be investigated. Acute bronchitis can be manifested by burning in the chest, but coughing and fever are much more typical. If shortness of breath occurs, the patient should see the doctor immediately. If the bronchitis does not heal properly, there is a risk of chronic lung disease.

Treatment and therapy

Treatment of a burning sensation in the chest varies depending on the cause. For angina, the doctor usually administers nitroglycerin. It lowers blood pressure and dilates the blood vessels, allowing the coronary arteries to resupply the heart with blood. A heart attack poses an acute danger to life. The blocked coronary vessels must be reopened immediately, which is achieved by means of coronary angiography. Here, a small balloon expands the affected vessel, after which a stainless steel vascular stent is placed at the narrow point. It keeps the vessel permanently open. If the procedure is not possible, vascular prostheses, the body’s own veins or arteries from outside the body can bridge the blocked area (bypass surgery). A burning sensation in the chest caused by inflammation is treated with anti-inflammatory drugs. Bronchial asthma is also treated with medication. The respective specialist treats the disease of the various organs. Within a surgical procedure, a doctor can close a tear in the esophagus, for example. Physiotherapy helps with tension and vertebral blockages. Psychological causes such as anxiety and stress can be treated with relaxation exercises and possibly psychotherapy.

Outlook and prognosis

A burning sensation in the breast or even a small feeling of pressure in the breast can often cause stress. It is very quickly associated with breast cancer, although it can have other causes. High blood pressure, which has been ignored for a very long time, can make itself felt in the chest. If the burning in the breast is only temporary, stress is often associated with it. Burning in the chest can be insufficiently relieved with painkillers. Excessive intake also has a harmful effect on the kidney and liver. If burning in the chest is to be prevented in the future, then care should be taken not to be exposed to stress too often, both physically and mentally. This also includes giving the body the nutrients it needs to survive. Fast food and other greasy food, can aggravate this feeling of pressure.Too little movement or a change in movement can also be a cause and then be reflected in more serious illnesses. Here, only examinations by a doctor can help. You can prevent chest pain, but there is not much you can do about the pain itself. If the pain does not subside with time, a visit to the doctor is urgently needed.


Certain causes of a burning sensation in the chest can be prevented. To keep the coronary arteries free from blockages, a healthy diet helps. In particular, taking omega-3 fatty acids minimizes the risk of heart disease, which can cause burning in the chest. Sufficient exercise also helps blood flow to the coronary arteries. Quitting smoking helps prevent lung cancer. Staying away from particulate matter and environmental toxins minimizes the risk of developing bronchial asthma. Regular exercise prevents muscle tension, which can trigger a burning sensation in the chest.

Here’s what you can do yourself

Burning chest pain can indicate harmless disorders, but it can also be a sign of a life-threatening disease. Such symptoms must therefore always be clarified by a doctor. If burning pain occurs briefly or during great physical exertion, especially during peak athletic performance, it is usually harmless. However, athletes should increase their workload slowly so as not to permanently overload the body. Burning chest pain can also be a symptom of a cold. Especially if the upper respiratory tract is severely dehydrated, the patient has the feeling that the entire chest is on fire. In such cases, naturopathy advises steam baths with chamomile tea or with sea salt to re-moisten the dried mucous membranes. For severe coughs, sage is said to help as a tea or in the form of lozenges. Furthermore, burning pains in the chest often occur as a result of a stomach ailment. In addition to over-the-counter acid reducers from the pharmacy, mild remedies such as Bullrich salt, soda or healing clay also help against severe heartburn. Frequent or severe heartburn, however, should definitely be clarified by a doctor. If other stomach irritations are the reason for the strong burning in the chest, a change in diet usually helps. Nicotine, high-proof alcohol, fatty foods and large amounts of animal protein must be avoided. On the other hand, light, low-fat and vitamin-rich vegetarian food is helpful.