Cachexia: Nutritional Therapy

Nutritional therapy should be started early in cachexia, especially to promote treatment of the disease, because good nutritional status can improve the effects of therapy. The diet should be high in energy and protein. In addition, special nutrients should be administered. These are vitamin E, the amino acid arginine, and the omega-3 fatty acids docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid.The diet should provide a daily intake of 1.3 g of protein (protein) per kilogram of body weight.
Nutritional medical measures

  • High-calorie diet – eat more calories than you need.Daily fat intake up to 40% of the daily energy amount (which is approximately 90-95 g of fat per day). Preference should be given to vegetable fats – because of their high content of unsaturated fatty acids (linseed, corn germ, olive, canola and soybean oil).
  • Six meals – three main meals and three side meals (two to three hours between each meal). The side meals must consist of a balanced mixture of high-quality protein (BCAA) – this stands for “Branched Chain Amino Acids* “, which means branched-chain amino acids -, energy-rich carbohydrates and all important vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
    Recommended as a snack is the supply of a fully balanced diet for the dietary treatmentof persons with catabolic metabolism.
  • At each meal may be eaten only so much until satiety sets in. Too much food at once stresses the digestive system and leads to a reduced appetite at the next meal.
  • After getting up, breakfast should be eaten immediately.
  • A liquid intake should always be between meals, so that the stomach is not filled too quickly. Attention. Prefer non-carbonated or low-carbonated drinks.
  • Snacks should be consumed after training.
  • Foods rich in vital substances are foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytochemicals. These include, for example, fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, milk and dairy products.
  • High-energy foods and meals – for example, fresh salad with baked camembert, baguette au gratin.
  • Enriching meals with high-fat ingredients, for example, cream, butter, etc.

* Branched Chain Amino Acids” (BCAA) – branched chain amino acids include valine, leucine and isoleucine.
Appetite stimulating measures are of importance in the nutritional management of malnourished patients.

Measures that stimulate appetite

  • Colorful dishes, for example, by combining a variety of vegetable or fruit side dishes.
  • Cooking the favorite dish in stock and freeze the dish.
  • Fresh herbs and spices in food preparation have an appetizing effect and give the food a pleasant aroma
  • Snacks for in between, for example, nuts – walnuts, hazelnuts and Brazil nuts – and dried fruit.
  • Herbal teas with appetizing effect
  • Pleasant dining space – through napkins, candlelight, beautiful place settings, classical music, etc.
  • Eat in a quiet and pleasant atmosphere