Camphor Oil


Camphor oil is available in pharmacies and drugstores. Specialty retailers can produce it themselves or order it from specialized service providers (e.g., Hänseler). Camphor oil is also an ingredient in finished medicines, for example, Rüedi nasal ointment.

Structure and properties

Camphor oil is a solution of 10% camphor in purified peanut oil. It is present as a clear, viscous, slightly yellowish liquid with a strong camphor odor. The oil should be stored away from light.


Racemic camphor or D-camphor 10.0 g
Refined peanut oil 90.0 g

The camphor is dissolved in the weakly heated peanut oil and the solution is filtered if necessary.


Camphor (ATC C01EB02) is considered to be hyperemic, locally anesthetic, expectorant, analgesic, antipruritic, antiseptic, and centrally analeptic.


Camphor oil is mainly used for the treatment of colds.

Detailed information, precautions

See under camphor