Can a screaming ambulance help? | Help in handling a Schreibaby

Can a screaming ambulance help?

A crying ambulance provides professional help in dealing with the child. These outpatient clinics are often affiliated to pediatric practices, clinics and other counseling centers. The therapists of such an institution show the affected parents when the child is overstrained and how you can play and communicate with him without overstraining him.

The children learn to develop and strengthen their self-regulation, while the parents rediscover their strength and resources and overcome feelings of guilt and insecurity. The parents of writing babies should not hesitate to seek professional help. Some outpatient clinics speak of success rates of up to 90 percent within an average of four appointments, with 45 percent of patients receiving full treatment and 44 percent experiencing significant stabilization.

Associated symptoms

Often a bloated belly is noticeable with the writing babies. This symptom was considered the cause of crying until a few years ago. It was called the “three-month colic”, which causes the children to suffer and causes them pain.

However, scientists found out that this is less the cause of the crying and more an accompanying symptom that the writing babies develop. The distended abdomen is caused by the increased swallowing of air during crying. In addition, a reduced appetite of the child can often be observed during this phase.

Only very few children also suffer from a disease of the digestive tract. These include food intolerances, such as those to cow’s milk and soy milk, and inflammation of the oesophagus, for example through heartburn. In addition, the child’s appetite is often reduced during this phase.

Only very few children also suffer from a disease of the digestive tract. These include food intolerances, such as to cow’s milk and soy milk, and inflammation of the esophagus, for example through heartburn. Infants cry out particularly persistently and loudly without quickly becoming tired or hoarse.

Especially writing babies can often scream for hours with this walking technique without having to take a break. It is therefore difficult to specify a maximum duration, but it has been reported from children who screamed for ten hours or more without interruption. This continuous state can be extremely stressful and demanding for the parents.

It is therefore advisable to seek professional help before you let the children shake or scream on their own out of their own tension. Writing babies often start crying attacks around the second week of life and usually end with the beginning of the fourth month of life. In some cases, the phase as a screaming child does not end until the end of the first six months or even a little later. Some parents report that the crying stops from one day to the next.