Can depression be present? | Light-sensitive eyes – What could be behind them?

Can depression be present?

Increased light sensitivity of the eye may indicate depression, but is not a typical symptom. If additional symptoms such as listlessness, sleep disorders and social isolation occur, the probability of depression is significantly increased. The causes and the exact mechanism that leads to the development of depression are not fully understood.

Genetic predispositions and environmental factors are discussed. The interaction of these factors leads to a metabolic disorder of the brain. Comparatively low concentrations of messenger substances such as serotonin or dopamine are found.

This imbalance of messenger substances leads to a functional disorder of the brain. Within this context, functional disorders of the eye can also occur. Successful treatment of depression can reduce the symptoms again. The symptoms of depression?

Can multiple sclerosis be present?

Sensitivity to light, accompanied by blurred vision and pain during eye movements, points to retrobulbar neuritis. Retrobulbar neuritis is an inflammation of the optic nerve. It is often the first symptom of multiple sclerosis and should be clarified.

Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that leads to damage to myelin. Myelin is a substance that forms a protective sheath around the nerves and improves the transmission of nerve impulses. If the myelin sheath is damaged, the impulses can no longer be transmitted properly and functional failures such as paralysis occur. Permanent damage to the optic nerve can lead to blindness.

The diagnosis

An increased light sensitivity that persists over a longer period of time requires medical clarification. Especially if the sensitivity to light is accompanied by pain and blurred vision, an ophthalmologist should be consulted.In this case, a retrobulbar neuritis (inflammation of the optic nerve) could be present, which an ophthalmologist can detect by an incorrect regulation of the pupils. If multiple sclerosis is suspected, an MRI examination of the head should also be performed.

But also an inflammation of the eye skin or the retina should be clarified, because they need a therapy. This becomes noticeable by painful, reddened eyes. This can be diagnosed by an ophthalmologist through various eye tests and a slit lamp examination. If there is a suspicion of hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, one should consult the family doctor. The doctor can determine the concentration of thyroid hormones by means of a blood test.