Can gum recession be stopped? | Gum recession

Can gum recession be stopped?

To stop the receding gums, the cause must be diagnosed accurately and then the underlying problem must be treated. If there is an inflammatory cause, appropriate treatment must be carried out by the dentist (periodontitis therapy). The dentist will remove tartar and solid concrements lying under the gums with special instruments, i.e. clean the gum pockets, and ensure a bacteria-free situation with anti-inflammatory rinsing solutions and ointments.

In addition, gargle with disinfectant rinsing for a few days to ensure that the disease heals well. In addition, good oral and especially interdental hygiene must be maintained to prevent the disease from breaking out again.Smoking must be stopped as far as possible, since the constant stimulus reduces the blood flow to the tissue in the oral cavity and healing is much slower than with non-smokers. If the cleaning technique is incorrect, the dentist or dental hygienist will point this out and give suggestions for improvement.

In this way, the current status can be maintained and a further decline can be prevented. If gum recession occurs during tooth repositioning, the orthodontist should be consulted immediately and if necessary the pressure on the teeth should be reduced to prevent further damage. External irritation factors such as piercings should be removed.

If there is a wrong brushing technique, the dentist or dental hygienist will point this out and give suggestions for improvement. In this way the current status can be maintained and a further decrease can be prevented. If the gum recession occurs during tooth repositioning, the orthodontist should be consulted immediately and if necessary the pressure on the teeth should be reduced to prevent further damage.

External irritation factors such as piercings should be removed. There are many different toothpastes which are recommended in case of receding gums. Usually, however, they do not play the decisive role in the treatment of this disease.

All toothpastes have the same mode of action: For the treatment of inflammatory gum recession it is additionally advantageous if anti-inflammatory and disinfecting substances like Triclosan are present in the toothpaste. These support the dental treatment of pocket cleaning and ensure more effective healing. Examples are the toothpaste Parodontax® or Lacalut®.

Since there is a wide range of products, everyone must try out the different formulas themselves and find the right toothpaste for themselves. In the case of non-inflammatory receding gums, the very sensitive tooth necks are usually a problem. These can be treated well with the toothpaste “Elmex sensitiv & repair®”.

This toothpaste has been specially produced for teeth sensitive to cold and contains substances that close the sensitive nerve canals, thus creating a long-lasting protective barrier and alleviating pain when used over a long period of time. Often the discomfort disappears after just one use.

  • The tooth is cleaned by abrasive materials,
  • Soaps are used to chemically dissolve plaque and
  • Fluoride strengthens the tooth so that it has new strength against damaging attacks,
  • While essential oils provide a good taste.

There are no drugs against the receding gums per se, but the causes can be treated.

In the case of periodontitis, various medications are offered for supportive treatment. In particular, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial mouth rinses such as Chlorhexamed® or Paroex® with the active ingredient chlorhexidine are given for one to two weeks during dental treatment. This provides good support for effective cleaning and ensures rapid healing.

In the case of very aggressive bacteria and long-term or repeated treatments, antibiotics such as Metronidazol® are often administered additionally to ensure that the oral cavity is as free of bacteria as possible and that the inflamed gums heal quickly. Inflammatory gum recession can be improved and in some cases even stopped by anti-inflammatory substances. However, the lost gums do not grow back, even if the inflammation has been removed.

These substances include natural and plant extracts, for example. If the symptoms persist, you should consult your dentist, as it is possible that solid plaque has been pushed under the gums, which can only be removed with special instruments.

  • Aloe Vera Gel or
  • Tea tree oil.

    Simply massage these substances on the inflamed area and swallow the aloe vera and then spit out the tea tree oil.

  • Salt water also has a disinfecting effect. Prepare a rinsing solution with a glass of water and two tablespoons of salt, so that a saturated solution is formed, so that not all salt dissolves in the water, and rinse for a few minutes several times a day.
  • Hydrogen peroxide has an antibacterial effect and above all destroys bacteria that could survive without air in the gum pockets.If you rinse twice a day with a solution of half a cup of water and a tablespoon of 3% H2O2, this can help in the treatment of periodontitis.
  • Sage and
  • Thyme against the receding gums. Make a tea from dried leaves of both plants and rinse the mouth with it several times a day.

An accompanying homeopathic therapy can also be helpful in the treatment of periodontitis, but it should only be performed by an experienced practitioner.

These remedies can support the healing process, but do not remove the deep-seated plaque. Even if the symptoms become less severe, the plaque must be removed in order to achieve lasting pain relief.

  • Staphisagria helps against bleeding gums,
  • Against the sensitive necks of teeth and the infection Silicea.
  • Rhus toxicodendron counteracts gum loosening and helps when pain is present.

Schüssler salts support the bodily functions and bring the bodily functions in harmony.

The Schüssler salts are given in tablet form which must be taken 2-3 times a day.

  • The gums are strengthened by Calcium fiuoratum (number 1) because it keeps the gums elastic.
  • Gum bleeding can be alleviated by using salt number three (Ferrum phosphoricum). It reduces inflammation and strengthens the immune system.
  • Furthermore, number four and number eleven help to strengthen the gums in the long term.