Can I eat vegan food while nursing? | Vegan nutrition during pregnancy

Can I eat vegan food while nursing?

Also for the quiet time applies similarly the nourishing recommendations for the pregnancy that on vegane nutrition is to be renounced. During the breastfeeding period the need of vitamins and trace elements is partly still higher than during pregnancy. Since this over a purely vegetable nutrition is not to be ensured always and above all not simply, also here with retention of vegane nutrition despite all dangers with medical consultation certain food auxiliary means should be taken.

Thus one tries to prevent lack conditions with nut/mother and child. Regular medical examinations and blood tests are also recommended. Most important of all, careful nutritional advice, planning and selection is essential.

The difficult intake via a purely vegan diet affects above all vitamins B2, B6, and B12. The latter must be substituted in any case with purely vegetable nutrition. Vitamin D can possibly be taken if necessary, and an increased stay outdoors during the sunny hours is also recommended.

This stimulates the body’s own vitamin D production through the skin. Iodine, iron and zinc, which are also needed in larger quantities, can be sufficiently absorbed through appropriate nutritional planning and meticulous adherence to these, if necessary without the use of dietary supplements. The patient should change her diet to lacto(-ovo)vegetarian food for the period of breastfeeding. The consumption of dairy products and eggs can ensure a better supply of nutrients.

Can I at least eat vegetarian food?

Vegetarian diets are less prone to vitamin and nutrient deficiencies than vegan diets due to the retention of dairy products, eggs and, depending on the form of vegetarianism, fish products in the diet plan. Therefore, with a balanced and varied diet, the vegetarian lifestyle can be maintained even during planned pregnancy, during pregnancy and lactation. By purposeful food choice the need of most nutrients can be covered and less food auxiliary means must be taken than with vegane way of life.

However, iron intake may be deficient because it is easier for the body to obtain iron from meat. Additional intake may be advisable with medical advice. As with every pregnant woman, folic acid and iodine should also be taken. Regular blood tests should also be carried out, as further dietary supplements may be necessary. and iron deficiency in vegetarians