Can pain when jumping be a sign? | Signs of appendicitis

Can pain when jumping be a sign?

Some people experience pain when they bounce on their right leg during appendicitis. Especially in children, this can be a sign of appendicitis. The pain is caused when the appendix appendix appendix is behind the bowel.

When jumping, a muscle is tensed there, which presses on the inflamed appendix and thus causes the pain. However, this symptom does not occur in many appendectomies. In addition, pain when jumping can have other causes, such as pain originating in the joints or muscles. In case of doubt, especially children who have pain when jumping on one leg should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

What can be the signs of a burst appendix?

If an appendicitis is not detected and treated in time, it can lead to the appendix bursting, which can have life-threatening consequences. A typical sign of this is that the pain in the abdomen first becomes increasingly severe and then suddenly subsides. The appendix, which is under a lot of pressure, causes the pain and when it bursts, the pain initially subsides.

Another sign of this process is when the pain then increases again after a few hours. This can be explained by the fact that a burst appendix can cause the peritoneum to become inflamed (peritonitis), which lines the abdominal cavity. In addition to diffuse pain throughout the entire abdomen, the abdominal wall can also tense up like a board. This is an absolute emergency and surgery must be performed as soon as possible. However, an assessment as to whether appendicitis could really be present or whether the organ has even burst, cannot be carried out by a layperson, but only by examination and questioning by a doctor.

How do the signs in children differ from those in adults?

In children the signs of appendicitis can be the same as in adults. However, especially in small children, the disease may present differently and other signs may appear. One reason for this is that small children are less able to name and localise their symptoms.

In adults, pain in the right lower abdomen (or pain that starts in the right upper abdomen and migrates to the lower abdomen) is the most common sign of appendicitis. In children, non-specific abdominal pain (often indicated in the region of the navel) may be a first sign. However, it is also possible that children do not have any pain at all and that other signs are the only way to suspect an appendicitis. Reduced activity, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting are possible signs. – I recognise appendicitis in children from these symptoms

  • Abdominal pain in children

Other signs of appendicitis

Men may also experience pain in the testicles (testicular pain). Not infrequently, a symptom of appendicitis is a low-grade fever of up to about 38.5 degrees Celsius. There is typically a difference of more than one degree Celsius between the temperature measured rectally and in the armpit (axillary).

High fever is rather untypical for appendicitis and is an indication of another disease, or appendicitis with complications. In rare cases, accompanying chills can also occur. In addition, there is discomfort and nausea, often accompanied by one or more vomiting about four to twelve hours after the onset of pain.

In most cases, the affected person suffers from constipation, but diarrhoea may also occur less frequently. If pain suddenly eases during the course of the disease, it can be assumed that a so-called appendicitis (perforation) has taken place. A dreaded complication is now peritonitis, which can be life-threatening.

It is important to note that the typical signs of appendicitis are only seen in about 50% of those affected. Elderly people, small children but also pregnant women often show deviant symptoms and so-called atypical symptoms. Thus, older people often only have a minor symptom picture.

Therefore, the complication rate in these cases is considerably increased, as appendicitis is diagnosed later. Also in pregnant women the complaints deviate from a typical course. The appendix is displaced upwards or cranially due to the pregnancy and vomiting and nausea are the main symptoms.

Special caution is required with small children, where a high fever, frequent vomiting and a rapid increase in white blood cells (leukocytosis) can occur due to a more rapid course. Due to the great variability in the position of the appendix, the symptoms of appendicitis are often atypical. For example, in the case of a so-called retrocecal (behind the colon) appendicitis, there is sometimes a disorder in urination: it is characterised by an increased frequency of small amounts of urine being emptied from the bladder (pollakiuria).

If the appendix is located in the small pelvis, the pain is primarily localised in the lower abdomen, but can also radiate to the left (!!). There is also an increased urge to defecate and urinate.