Can Running Shoes Be Harmful?

Sufficient and regular exercise is essential for our health. Any kind of exercise gets the cardiovascular system going and keeps the body fit. One particularly popular way to exercise is jogging.

Jogging can be easily incorporated into the daily routine at any time, without being tied to fixed dates of sports courses or training materials. The sport also offers other advantages: When jogging, you are in the fresh air and can slowly increase your endurance individually. However, it is questionable how harmful running shoes can be for the joints and muscles when jogging.

Function of running shoes

Running shoes come in a wide variety of forms, which is precisely why it’s hard to find the right running shoe for you. However, with the wrong running shoe, jogging can definitely become a strain on the joints and back.

The running shoe has the function to cushion and stabilize the foot when pushing off from the ground. It establishes the connection between the foot and the running surface. In doing so, the running shoe influences the load on the musculoskeletal system and changes the resulting forces and movements. It is therefore important that the running shoe fits the anatomy of the foot and the personal running technique. A comprehensive consultation in a specialty store is highly recommended for this purpose.

Consequences of the wrong footwear

Improper footwear can lead to back problems or tendonitis, among other things. The right running shoes, on the other hand, prevent blows to the back and protect the joints.

With its musculature, the human body has a sophisticated damping system that is particularly effective when running and walking. To achieve a natural movement when running, the foot must touch down on the midfoot and forefoot and thus close to the body axis. A running shoe should be designed to support such a movement.

Running shoes against pronation

Some runners suffer from pronation. Pronation occurs when the feet are turned too far inward when stepping, increasing susceptibility to inflammation of the Achilles tendon, among other things.

To remedy pronation, one needs specific motion-controlling running shoes that counteract the aforementioned complaints.