Can this also be a thrombosis? | Pain in the outer thigh

Can this also be a thrombosis?

A thrombosis is a vascular occlusion caused by a blood clot in a deep leg vein. This causes pain where the vessel is blocked. If a vessel near the outer thigh is affected, the pain can also be felt there. In addition, there may be swelling of the leg, blue-livid discoloration, overheating and a feeling of heaviness in the leg. If a thrombosis is suspected, it should definitely be ruled out or confirmed by an ultrasound examination and then treated early on.

When does the pain occur?

Pain in the outer thigh can occur in runners. Typically, athletes suffer from this pain after very heavy strain, i.e. after extremely long running distances, but also after unaccustomed strain. An experienced long-distance runner can also develop pain after only moderately intensive sprint training because he or she is not used to it.

Even people returning after the winter break or inexperienced runners who start their first training with too much ambition can develop these complaints. Where does the pain come from? On the outside of the thigh there is a tendon plate called the tractus iliotibialis.

This tendon runs from the gluteus maximus, the large gluteus muscle that attaches to the ilium, to the upper end of the tibia. Both the hip and the knee can be flexed by this fiber train. Therefore, this traction is exposed to great stress when jogging, the tendon is irritated and then causes pain in the outer thigh.

An inflammation of the tendon of the thigh can occur, which manifests itself as movement-dependent, mostly stabbing pain. A further function of the tractus iliotibialis is to reduce the bending load on the thigh bone by additionally fixing the thigh. Especially when running, this load is very high, because with every step a multiple of the body weight acts on the joints and the tendon is considerably irritated.

Athletes with bow legs are particularly affected by these complaints. The remedy for this so-called “runner’s knee” or “tractus syndrome” is to take a break from sport, to apply a better dose of strain, and to do special stretching exercises. Especially in the morning and before getting up, people with rheumatic complaints suffer from pain in the hip area, which can often radiate into the outside of the thigh.

Particularly within the range of the intestine sacrum joints humans with morbus Bechterew are concerned. This is a rheumatic disease that particularly affects the pelvis and vertebral joints.Mostly men are affected, although the disease usually first appears in young adulthood. Typical are with all rheumatic complaints on the one hand the morning stiffness, which decreases however over day.

Against the complaints of a rheumatism illness help on the one hand pain means such as ASS or Ibuprofen, which works not only against the pain but also against the inflammatory process. Thus these painkillers, which are also called non-steroidal anti-rheumatic drugs (NSAIDs) because of this effect, act simultaneously both causally and symptomatically against rheumatic complaints. Another treatment option is cortisone preparations, which also alleviate the inflammatory reactions.

However, when used over the long term, cortisone produces considerable side effects, such as fat deposits. Cortisone preparations are therefore either used in low doses or as shock therapy, i.e. in short term but then in very high doses. A further approach in the rheumatism treatment are Immunsuppressiva, thus medicines, which suppress the body-own immune system.