Can this be a sign of pregnancy? | Hip pain during pregnancy

Can this be a sign of pregnancy?

Yes, pelvic pain can be a potential sign of pregnancy. It is of course questionable what the person in question understands by hip pain. Pain that often occurs during pregnancy and that originates near the hip would be symphysis stretching, for example.

In other words, a loosening of the pubic symphysis, which makes it more mobile, but also makes it more susceptible to painful irritation. As a rule, however, this loosening phenomenon only occurs a few weeks before birth, so that at this point it is usually clear whether the person concerned is pregnant or not. Another potential cause could be a so-called extrauterine pregnancy – i.e. an embryo that has implanted itself outside the uterus. In almost all cases, such a pregnancy is not compatible with the life of the unborn child, as it cannot be supplied with sufficient nutrients at this point, which is why the embryo dies. The body reacts to this with a strong inflammatory reaction at this point, which in rare cases can also feel like hip pain.

Associated symptoms

Hip pain that occurs during pregnancy is usually difficult to treat. Physiotherapy, pelvic floor exercises and orthopedic support belts are often prescribed to strengthen the pelvic muscles and relieve the pelvis. The application of heat, for example a hot bath or a hot water bottle, can also help to alleviate hip pain.

Many pregnant women continue to benefit from light physical activity such as walking, as this strengthens the muscles of the pelvis and lower back and can thus prevent hip pain. In addition to these conservative procedures, surgical treatment of symphysis loosening is also considered. In this case, the pubic symphysis (pubic symphysis) can be stiffened with screws and plates during surgery, thus preventing hip pain.

In the case of inflammation of the bursa (bursitis trochanterica) of the hip joint, additional relief is achieved by cooling. Pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory drugs can also be used to treat bursitis. Furthermore, the hip joint should be spared for some time.

If all these measures do not lead to success, the bursa can be removed surgically. The treatment of the inflammation of the hip joint (coxitis) is similar and also includes cooling and immobilization of the hip joint, as well as pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory drugs. If the inflammation of the joint is caused by bacteria, antibiotics can also be used.

For coxarthrosis and rheumatism, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and various medications can be considered. The treatment of gout consists in preventing the formation and deposition of uric acid crystals. This is initially done by changing the diet, later by drug therapy.

Exercises for hip pain during pregnancy are taught by doctors, midwives, physiotherapists or in birth preparation courses. It is essential that you learn the exercises under supervision to be sure that you can use them correctly and effectively. Good experiences have been made with the use of a gymnastic ball.

Replace your chair with a ball and let the pelvis circle slowly. The constant light movement prevents the body from remaining in a sitting position for too long. Targeted training of the pelvic floor muscles helps the stressed muscles to achieve improved stability.

A simple exercise is the interruption of the urine stream. The muscles required for this are the pelvic floor muscles. Depending on the cause of the hip pain, physiotherapists can perform exercises for the hip muscles, the lower back or the abdominal muscles.

Since hip pain is often difficult to treat during pregnancy, alternative approaches to alleviating the symptoms are increasingly being considered. One of these approaches is acupuncture. The idea of acupuncture is to create an undisturbed flow of energy through the body by stimulating the needle.

For this purpose, the acupuncture needles are inserted not only in the painful region but also on the hands, feet or head. Please note that not all health insurance companies reimburse acupuncture for hip pain during pregnancy. You should therefore contact your health insurance company for information.

Individual reports of experience show a good effectiveness of acupuncture during pregnancy, but no study has yet been conducted that would scientifically prove positive effects. Kinesiotaping is an originally Japanese “trend” that is becoming increasingly popular in this country as well. The tapes not only look good, but are a conservative treatment for joint problems or lymph congestion.

So far, however, there is no medical study that has been able to confirm the effectiveness of the tapes. The tape is already being used in many cases to improve back problems in pregnant women. Here, the supporting muscles of the spine are often tense.

The tape is intended to help stimulate the blood flow, thus allowing the muscles to regenerate more quickly and relieve the tension. To what extent the taping is suitable for each individual pregnant woman or how effective such an application is, each one must find out for herself. You will not harm the fetus or yourself.

Homeopathic remedies can also be used to relieve the pain of pregnancy. There are different globules for different localizations and qualities of pain.However, since some globules derive their effects from partly poisonous plants, it is essential to consult an expert before use in order to exclude any danger to the unborn child. Which substance is placenta-compatible, i.e. can reach the fetus via the mother’s blood, is an important point to consider.