Carrot: Intolerance & Allergy

The carrot is one of the best-known vegetables on the plate today. Not for nothing, the per capita consumption in Germany is on average 6.5 kilograms. The excellent healthy properties and good tolerance are only two of the positive features.

This is what you should know about the carrot

On the one hand, the ingredients of the carrot promote blood formation, on the other hand, they have a positive effect on the formation of teeth and the body’s resistance to infections and diseases. The scientific name of the carrot is Daucus carota subsp. sativus. In addition, the carrot experiences such a wide variety of names. In addition to carrot, carrot, yellow turnip and turnip, there are numerous other regionally coined terms. The wild carrot was first mentioned around 60 AD as a medicinal plant. It originated from various sources – mainly from the Mediterranean region, Afghanistan and Asia Minor. The vegetable belongs to the umbelliferous family. Only the beet is used, which has different shapes and colors depending on the variety. The carrot is a biennial plant, which in the first year develops a rosette of leaves and a taproot. In the second year, the shoot axis elongates and a flower-bearing shoot develops. There are about 300 different species of carrot in Europe, which has undergone intensive changes in cultivation since 1900. Carrots grow best in temperate zones, but also in subtropical areas. However, high yields are more likely in areas with an average temperature of 16 to 18 degrees. A carrot consists of the crown, bark, cork layer, and adventitious roots and pith inside. Depending on the variety, the shape of the beet varies. Long to short, round and conical, to name a few. The same applies to the color of the beet. The best known in this country is the orange carrot. But the older purple and white varieties are also making more of an appearance in the modern kitchen. The different coloration is determined, among other things, by the variety, the weather and the ingredients present, such as carotenoids, anthocyanins and chlorophyll. There are also several types of cultivation in terms of season: early varieties, summer carrots and late winter carrots. The high storage capacity and the possibility of harvesting almost all year round have made the carrot extremely important in the daily diet. With its mild and sweet taste, carrot is also an ideal vegetable for babies and young children, as well as in diet cuisine.

Importance for health

For health the greatest importance have the containing substances carotene, vitamin C, potassium and iron. On the one hand, the ingredients of the carrot promote blood formation, on the other hand, they have a positive effect on tooth formation and the body’s resistance to infections and diseases. The potassium content has a diuretic effect. Drinking carrot juice regulates the secretion of gastric juice. Due to the pectin content in the vegetable and due to the essential oils, carrot can be used very well in digestive disorders of young children. In order for the antioxidant effect of beta-carotene to be fully effective, carrots should always be eaten in combination with fats or oils. This allows the body to better process this important substance, which is said to bind free radicals. It also has a positive effect on vision and helps with cell renewal in the skin. To cover the daily requirement of vitamin A, it is enough to consume a medium carrot. There are also already studies which indicate that falcarinol, which is also contained, should protect against cancer.

Ingredients and nutritional values

Nutritional information

Amount per 100 gram

Calories 41

Fat content 0.2 g

Cholesterol 0 mg

Sodium 69 mg

Potassium 320 mg

Carbohydrates 10 g

Protein 0.9 g

Vitamin C 5.9 mg

In the carrot, most of the important ingredients are found in the rind. The pulp, which can be recognized by its lighter color, has a lower content of substances such as carotene or sucrose. The nitrate content is highest in the innermost part of the carrot. There are 26 calories per 100 grams of carrots. Approximately 88 percent of the carrot is water, plus 0.98 grams of protein and only 0.2 grams of fat. Contained vitamins: B1, B2, B6, C, E.Other important ingredients are calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. Of great importance is the secondary plant substance carotene. It provides the coloration of the carrot. Besides the sugar, the essential oils and fruit acids are responsible for the taste. (For example, malic acid or citric acid).

Intolerances and allergies

Cooked carrots are usually well tolerated because the heat destroys existing allergens. Unfortunately, this is not true for raw carrots. Here, food allergies occur quite frequently. Complaints usually occur immediately after consumption. For example, asthma, shortness of breath, itching, rhinitis, swelling, digestive problems or neurodermatitis are indicative of an allergy. Also possible are so-called cross allergies in connection with birch pollen, celery and mugwort. A possible therapy is the avoidance of the food that triggers the allergy. Also helpful are acupuncture or homeopathic remedies, which are used to minimize intolerances.

Shopping and kitchen tips

For those who cannot or do not want to grow their own carrots, look for a thinner elongated shape when buying carrots. The less pronounced the inner core of the carrot, the more important and healthy ingredients are preserved. Bunch carrots purchased with greens should be eaten quickly and directly. The greens are removed because they remove water from the beets. Fresh carrots prepared in this way will keep in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator for a maximum of ten days. Before eating, they are thoroughly washed and brushed off. It is not necessary to peel the carrots, this removes many good ingredients. Carrots have an excellent shelf life. Late-harvested winter carrots will keep well into next spring if stored in optimal conditions (preferably in moist sand and well ventilated) in the cellar. Packaged carrots, known as washed carrots, remain edible for several months. However, these have less sugar and lose more of their precious ingredients over time. Another method of preservation is freezing. Carrots can be kept very well in the freezer for many months when briefly blanched. They lose some of their flavor, but none of their quality. Other variations include pickling carrots in vinegar, water and spices and juicing the vegetables.

Preparation tips

There are so many different ways to prepare carrots than almost any other vegetable. Raw in a salad in combination with apples as well as other fruit or boiled or steamed as a vegetable side dish, it goes well with many different dishes. The cooking time of carrots is 12 to 18 minutes. Care should be taken that the temperature is not too high, so that as many ingredients as possible are retained. Carrot juice is also popular, with a variety of positive health benefits attributed to it. Briefly steamed and pureed, carrots are popular as one of the first foods in the paps for babies and toddlers.