Carrots (Carrots)

Carrots belong to the enormously low-calorie vegetables and should not be missing in the kitchen if possible. They are also particularly rich in carotene, a precursor of vitamin A. Depending on the region, carrots are often called carrots or carrots. Normally, the commercially available cultivated forms are used in the kitchen, but there are also recipes in which the wild carrot plays a role, for example in salads or green sauces. We show what is in the vegetable.

Rich in carotene

Outstanding in carrots is especially the carotene content, to which the carrots also owe their typical color. Among all vegetables, carrots in fact contain the most carotene, which is found in them in the form of both alpha- and beta-carotene (provitamin A, a precursor of vitamin A). Among other things, vitamin A is important for our ability to see, especially night vision, but also for the immune system and cell growth. Depending on the variety, the carotene content varies and can therefore be approximately between 5 and 30 milligrams per 100 grams of carrot vegetables.

Ingredients of carrots

Carrots are also very healthy in terms of other vitamins and minerals. For example, carrots contain some vitamins of the B group, especially vitamin B6, B1 and B2. The orange vegetable also scores with vitamin C, which is important for our defenses, and the free radical scavenger vitamin E. In addition, carrots are rich in various minerals and trace elements. Per 100 grams they contain on average:

  • 328 milligrams of potassium
  • 36 milligrams phosphorus
  • 35 milligrams calcium
  • 13 milligrams magnesium
  • 0.3 milligrams iron
  • 0.3 milligrams zinc

Nutritional value and calories of carrots

With only 26 kilocalories (kcal), carrots are decidedly low in calories. A look at their nutritional values shows that carrots can be counted among the particularly healthy vegetables. Because in 100 grams of the beet are on average:

  • 0.2 grams of fat
  • 1 gram protein (protein)
  • 4.8 grams of carbohydrates
  • 3.6 grams of fiber

Fat improves the absorption of carotene

When carrots are prepared, it is important to add a little fat to the dish, because the carotene contained in carrots, so healthy, is fat-soluble. Therefore, it can only be absorbed by the body if there is also some fat in the food. In addition, carrots should be well chopped and cooked – this also improves the absorption of carotene.

Storage and shelf life of carrots

Carrots tend to wilt quickly after purchase, turn dark or become soft like rubber. Therefore, they should not be stored for too long if possible. If a basement or similar space is available, it is ideal to store the carrots in it in a sandbox that can be filled with ordinary sandbox sand. This is also a good way to store carrots if you plant them yourself in the garden and harvest them later. If a sandbox is not available, you can also simply store carrots in the vegetable or organic fresh food compartment of the refrigerator. They will keep there for about seven to ten days. To ensure the longest possible shelf life, cut off the green tops of the carrots. In addition, the plastic packaging should be removed or at least opened, as condensation makes the carrots spoil more easily. It is recommended to wrap them in a damp cloth. In addition, you can also blanch them and freeze them.

Use in the kitchen

There are many recipes for carrots. They can be used well raw or cooked, in soups, sauces, as a side dish, salad and also as juice. Raw, carrots are often used as carrot juice. They are also great as a raw vegetable salad. Carrot salad tastes especially good when grated carrots are mixed together with grated apples, some lemon juice, sugar and a little oil. However, grated carrots also fit well into many other raw vegetable salads and thus provide the necessary portion of carotene.

Warm dishes with carrots

Carrots fit very well in recipes for soups, complementing vegetable soups and stews of all kinds. Carrot vegetables go well with meat and are also easy to prepare as mixed vegetables. Carrots harmonize especially well with peas, but can also complement kohlrabi, beans or cabbage perfectly.

Wild carrot in sauces

Popular with boiled meat and jacket potatoes is a green sauce.In addition to many other fresh garden and wild herbs, mayonnaise, yogurt, hard-boiled eggs, and chopped cucumbers, the herb of the wild carrot and even the garden carrot can be a healthy addition when pureed.

Carrots in the cake

A very nice idea to serve carrots even once at the coffee table is carrots in cake. Whole wheat flour, apple pieces, orange juice and grated carrots go well together. Nuts or sunflower seeds can also possibly complement such a carrot cake and make the sweet treat a full meal.

Different forms of carrots

Carrots come in many different forms. These are different varieties of the garden carrot. Most of them are elongated, which has led to the fact that carrots are also often called roots in the north. However, there are also round varieties that are basically called carrots, even in the far north. In the south, the name carrots is widely used for all carrots. However, one sometimes finds the name yellow turnip there as well. In fact, there are also yellow carrot varieties, as well as white or red-purple. In terms of their value for health, however, it does not matter whether carrots are oblong or round, small or large – they are all healthy.