Cause kidney | Causes of back pain

Cause kidney

The kidneys can also be responsible for back pain. However, for many people it is difficult to distinguish one pain from another. To help, one should remember the location of the kidneys in the lumbar spine.

They are located to the right and left of the spine, the left one a little higher than the right one. Since they are very close to the muscles of the back and the spine, they can cause pain in this area when ill. The typical thing about kidney pain is that they are knocking pains.

Accordingly, affected persons react particularly sensitively when tapping the area of the back. Often the pain radiates into the surrounding back area, but is strongest in the kidney area. If it is suspected that the kidney is the cause of the pain in the area of the back, other symptoms should also be considered. For example, if there is a fever, it could be an inflammation of the kidney, which should be treated by a doctor as soon as possible. Urine should also be taken into account, as discoloration by blood, for example, can also be an indication of kidney disease.

Alternative causes

Phrases such as: “Someone has a hard time carrying something”, “That broke someone’s back” or “Someone has to kowtow” show how important it is to look at the psyche of a patient with back pain as well. What is impressive is the fact that 90% of people with chronic back pain have no recognizable organic cause. Often recognizable by pain aggravation in case of psychological discomfort.

They are unspecific. Only the small remaining proportion is distributed among the specific causes and diseases listed above. In the case of illnesses that are triggered by the soul, the inner state of mind and human emotions play a central role.

However, the same is also true the other way round: physical complaints can trigger psychological problems such as depression. Anxiety or stressful situations increase the heartbeat in our body, blood pressure rises and with it the blood circulation. In addition, certain hormones and stress mediators are released.

In case of permanent stress, psychosomatic disorders can occur, which in turn ends in a stressful situation in case of permanent pain. It is therefore easy to see how important it is to break this vicious circle by special psychotherapy. Various studies have even been able to confirm the effectiveness of such therapies for chronic back problems. You can read more about this interesting topic at Back pain and psyche.