Causes at the cervical spinal column/head | Causes for dizziness

Causes at the cervical spinal column/head

Skidding traumas, especially after car accidents, can lead to dizzy spells for days after the accident. The head is jerkily accelerated and braked again by the impact, which can result in a concussion as well as neck tension.Both can be symptomatic with dizziness, in worse cases combined with nausea and vomiting. Malpositions of the cervical spine and the head cause the organ of balance of the ear to transmit erroneous information about the position of the head to the brain.

The brain interprets this information as head movement, even if the head is held still. The “information imbalance” eventually leads to dizziness in those affected. The incorrect posture of the cervical spine and head is caused on the one hand by wear and tear of the cervical spine, especially in older people in connection with osteoarthritis and disc wear and tear or by cramping and permanent tension of the neck muscles.

In addition to the dizziness symptoms, affected persons often experience pain in the neck and back of the head. Typical for a spinal syndrome of the cervical spine, also called cervical spine syndrome, are tensions and pain in the neck and shoulder area. In some cases, irritated nerves also cause a tingling or numbness in these areas.

In the extreme case even a paralysis can occur. Sometimes, however, the cervical spine syndrome can also cause dizziness in addition to the symptoms already mentioned. In addition to dizziness, tinnitus, headaches or visual disturbances can also occur as further symptoms.

If several of these symptoms occur, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible. A cervical spine syndrome can be caused by various factors (cervical spine syndrome causes). On the one hand, it is caused by constricted or irritated nerves.

This constriction can occur, for example, as a result of a herniated disc or a tumor. In some cases, a constriction of a nerve as well as of a blood vessel occurs in the course of a space requirement. If this is an artery that supplies the brain with blood, the brain is not supplied with enough blood, which can lead to dizziness. A cervical spine syndrome is often also caused by stress. Stress also promotes the development of dizziness, so that this can also be favored by the simultaneous existence of a cervical spine syndrome and stress.