Causes for a boil in the face | Causes for a boil

Causes for a boil in the face

In the face, increased sebum production plays a particularly important role in the development of furuncles. People with strong sebum secretion generally tend to have oily skin. Furthermore, even with dry skin, the use of oily creams can promote the closing of pores and lead to hair follicle inflammation.

Increased sweating can also play a role. However, this is more relevant in parts of the body that are additionally stressed by tight clothing and therefore the sweat cannot evaporate in the fresh air. In addition, inadequate hygiene during bar shaving also leads to the development of furuncles on the face.

When shaving, small wounds of the skin regularly occur, which allow bacteria, such as the skin bacterium Staphylococcus aureus, to enter. This in turn can lead to furuncles. This can be avoided by regularly cleaning the shaver and disinfecting the facial skin after shaving. This can be done, for example, with the help of an alcohol-based after-shave.

Causes of a boil in the nose

Also with the nose-furuncle the same risk factors apply generally as with furuncles at other body places. Additionally, boils in the nose often occur after removal of nose hairs. Pulling out the hairs causes small wounds, which often cannot be disinfected well or kept clean due to the poorly accessible location.

As a result, bacteria can penetrate the skin, which leads to an inflammation of the hair follicle. But also not manipulated long nose hairs are a risk factor for boils. Furthermore, the environment in the nose is very favorable for the reproduction of bacteria.

The area is protected from fresh air and therefore always remains slightly moist and warm. In addition, it is relatively difficult to keep the nasal entrance completely still, as the skin area is constantly moved when speaking, eating or blowing the nose. This can aggravate an inflammation and contribute to its spread.

Similarly, chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa can promote the development of furuncles. A nasal furuncle should always be opened by a dermatologist. Opening it on its own can lead to the spread of bacteria and serious infections, which can also spread to the meninges or lead to blood poisoning.