Causes for too low GPT values | Liver value GPT

Causes for too low GPT values

Too low values of GPT have no disease value. If possible, the enzyme should not be present in the blood, since its effect is unfolded within the cells. Since the enzyme enters the bloodstream even with relatively minor cell damage, a low GPT value can even have a positive meaning.

A low value can actually even indicate a healthy lifestyle. Alcohol abstinence and physical activity are possible causes for this. In principle, all measures that protect the liver cells from possible damage are possible reasons for a low GPT value.

What is the best way to reduce the GPT value?

Due to the fact that an increased GPT value can always have several causes, a doctor should be consulted if the cause is unclear. This doctor will find the actual reasons for the increase by diagnostic measures. If the reason for the increase is the liver, several measures can be taken.

The focus should also be on fighting the cause. Since some medications have a liver-damaging effect when taken over a longer period of time, the medication responsible should be reduced or discontinued in consultation with the treating physician. As an alternative, a less harmful medication can be used.

If liver disease is the cause, the focus should be on treating this disease. In the case of viral hepatitis, for example, an antiviral drug can be used in some cases. If there is no form of intervention, the only option is to wait.

If a bile stasis is responsible, intervention is possible. Depending on the type of outflow disorder, this can result in different treatment options. However, surgical intervention is most frequently preferred.

Subsequently, it may be useful to check the liver for possible long-term damage. In the case of damage caused by toxins, the source should be located and avoided. Alcohol is a special case.

Low consumption of alcohol does not pose any danger to the liver cells for the time being. However, alcohol abuse can lead to massive increases in liver values. Since then an end of the alcohol consumption of the person concerned usually falls very heavily, a specialist should be visited.

A further effective measure to lower the GPT value lies in the conversion of the life-style. Particular attention can be paid to measures that are gentle on the liver. It is helpful to have a balanced diet with a renunciation of high-fat and high-sugar food.

This usually means eating more raw vegetables or vegetable-based dishes. Weight reduction is also advisable. Furthermore, it is helpful to avoid the consumption of alcohol completely and to quit smoking.

Caffeine is a special case. There are different opinions on this. Some even claim that caffeine has a positive effect on the liver and liver values and that regular consumption lowers the GPT value.

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Among the household remedies that are said to have positive effects on the liver are some everyday foods. However, it is often sufficient to drink more clear liquids such as water or tea. This should support the liver in its activity.

Furthermore, dark chocolate and caffeine are said to have good effects. In addition, bitter vegetables such as brussels sprouts, sage or various other herbs that are often consumed as tea are considered helpful. Other household remedies are artichokes, dandelions, nettles, plums and lemon juice.

Salad can be made from these foods. They can also be eaten as a side dish with other dishes. To avoid fatty meat, fish or poultry can be used.Since homeopathy is based on natural substances, some of which are also found in home remedies, a positive effect on the GPT value can be observed when such remedies are used correctly.

The instructions of the treating homeopath should be followed. However, as with any therapy, the benefit often depends on the patient’s cooperation and even on his or her belief in the success of the therapy.