Causes | Gluten allergy


A gluten allergy has in over 90% of all cases its main cause in genetics. This means that there is a so-called genetic predisposition, i.e. a change in the DNA of the affected person. This is found in an area of the DNA that is responsible for the production of certain factors of the body’s immune system (HLA system).

However, not every person with this DNA change has a pronounced gluten allergy. This often comes to light due to additional triggers such as stress, infections or other illnesses. Due to the genetic predisposition, the reaction of the immune system to the cereal protein gluten changes when the gluten allergy becomes pronounced: antibodies against gluten are formed.Furthermore, the change in the immune system also leads to the formation of antibodies against a substance (tissue transglutaminase) that is produced by the body itself and plays a role in the processing of proteins. This leads to an autoimmune reaction, i.e. a reaction of the body’s own immune system against the body itself. This, in turn, leads to changes in the mucous membrane of the small intestine, making it unable to absorb various substances, such as iron or vitamins, from food.


The therapy of gluten allergy consists primarily in avoiding all foods containing gluten, as this stimulates the immune system’s reaction and aggravates its manifestation. There are currently no tablets that can be taken against the gluten allergy. When dieting, the entire diet of the affected person must be changed, since gluten is contained in a great many foods.

It is important that the gluten-free diet is followed consistently, otherwise there will be increased formation of antibodies against the body’s own substances over time and this will destroy the mucous membrane of the small intestine. Some affected persons also report an improvement of symptoms by taking Schüssler salts or Bach flowers. If the disease is already more advanced, it is possible that certain nutrients are given in addition, which can no longer be absorbed in the intestine in the normal way. These are mainly iron and vitamins, as these are needed for many important processes in the body and the deficiency can cause various other symptoms.