Causes | Hearing loss in children


There are hereditary and non-hereditary causes, respectively congenital and causes acquired before, during and after birth. Typical reasons for sound conduction disorders are: Typical causes for sound sensation disorders are: malformations, syndromal diseases, circulatory weakness occurring before and after birth with accompanying respiratory reduction or respiratory arrest, infections or birth trauma. Approximately 50 percent of severe sensorineural hearing loss in children is inherited. There is no exact cause for central hearing disorders, but it is suspected that there is misuse of medication, alcohol or drugs during pregnancy, lack of oxygen during the birth phase, genetic influences and premature births.

  • Earwax plugs
  • Malformations of the outer ear and middle ear
  • Inflammation of the auditory canal and/or middle ear
  • Traumas such as bleeding or injuries
  • Otosclerotic changes (excessive bone formation of the ossicles in the middle ear)


Children with a hearing loss in babyhood can be conspicuous by a delayed speech development. This is due to the fact that the children do not fully perceive the language of their parents. In addition, if the child does not hear his or her own language properly, there can be problems in the formation of sounds.

Furthermore, a hearing loss can be recognized by the fact that the child does not react to requests or admonitions. This can easily be confused with disobeying the child.In cases of severe hearing loss, children do not respond to sounds generated around the child. For example, if you snap your finger next to the child’s ear, the head will not be turned in that direction.

Hearing loss in children after middle ear infection

Temporary hearing loss may occur after middle ear infection. This hearing loss is usually reversible. Recurrent middle ear infections can lead to permanent hearing loss. If these are not treated consistently, scarring may occur in the middle ear, reducing the conduction of sound in the ear.